
‘10 Tips To Help Indian Kids Deal With Board Exam Pressures‘
‘10 Tips To Help Indian Kids Deal With Board Exam Pressures‘


Whether you are a CBSE, ICSE, or an IB Board student, you may have been reeling under exam related anxiety. Students in Indian schools often face burnout simply because they face pressures from school, tuition classes, family, and peers.

While it is understandable that the Board exams are a very important component in a student’s life, kids should not be burdened with excessive hard work and curricular overload. Schools, educators and parents need to find a middle ground to help nurture the learning skills, without causing any burnout or stress.

If you are a 10th grader preparing for your Board exams, here are a few points to keep in mind.

 1. This is Just Another Exam. This is Not Life.

Exams come and go. You have taken many tests, and you will continue taking many more later in life. One test is not going to decide your fate.

Have you ever had this bad nightmare, when you see yourself sitting in an examination hall, and then you open the question paper, only to realize that you studied for the wrong subject? What do you feel at that moment? A panic attack? A total nervous breakdown? Or will you try to assess how you can tackle your situation? Your positive attitude will decide how you handle the situation. If you allow fear to grip your heart, you will continue to wake up in cold sweat with awful nightmares.

Start with embracing a positive attitude. You cannot avoid an exam. If you let negative thoughts seize your mind, you will find it difficult to succeed.

2. With a Little Planning and Routine, You Can Crack Any Exam.

Successful students start early. The winners are the ones who prepare in advance. These are the kids who prefer regular practice. They study every day, plan their study around their social, family, and school life. They make time, even on a busy day, to keep practicing.

Get into the habit of setting up a routine. Follow a fixed calendar. Be religious about your study, and make sure to catch up if unplanned scheduling changes have been made. You’ll find yourself far more at ease, during exams, because of repetitive practice.

 3. Build Your Focus and Concentration Through Yoga or Some Activity.

Incorporate other activities around your school and study schedule. Make time to practice yoga or meditation for at least half an hour every day. In addition, you should not miss out on your fun activities such as swimming, music, or drawing. You’ll be surprised to know that these activities actually help build concentration and focus. It is necessary to build your focus to meet your target study goals.

4. Eat Healthy. Stay Fit. Have a Social Life.

A healthy body and mind is the secret of success in life. You can’t possibly do well, if you are constantly ailing, or feel low and depressed. You need to eat right so that you stay fit and healthy. Include a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit in your diet. Don’t skip meals simply because you have an exam coming up. You can’t concentrate on your studies on an empty stomach.

5. Don’t Beat Yourself Up If You Score Poorly in a Class Test.

Students often worry that if they failed some exam, they’ll now never be able to get the job they dream of, or even the university they want to pursue after the Boards. If the worst does happen, failing your exams is not the end of the world. You have not been branded. There are many other ways to reach your goal. Einstein flunked in school. Winston Churchill failed his exam. Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, J. K. Rowling, and many others faced rejection and failure all their life. They turned out fine, didn’t they?

6. Restrict Your Electronics Usage to an Hour a Day.

The millennials are a gadget dependent generation. They are born using smartphones, iPads, and digital devices. Unfortunately, students fail to recognize how much their gadget dependence affects their personal and intellectual growth. If you want to perform well in your Board exams, you will need to restrict your gadget usage. Keep your smartphones aside when you sit to study. Unplug for at least an hour every day, so that you can focus on your exam preparation. 

7. Don’t Shy Away from Asking for Help When You Need It.

The correct way to seek help is by being proactive. You may have one question (or many), but they should be written down clearly so that when you approach someone for help, you don't forget anything and the time is well spent. If possible, schedule an appointment, send along your draft and problem statement ahead of time. If you are getting help from a friend or classmate, bring these materials along with you. Students who need help often shy away from asking for it, but people—like teachers and tutors—are in that profession because they love being asked to help students.

8. Don’t Compare Yourself with Others. Be Content in Your Own Skin.

Constantly judging your achievements against toppers in your class often leads to low self-esteem.  There will always be someone who is ahead of you, better than you, richer than you, smarter than you, or even more deserving than you. But what we don’t realize is that we are ignorant of what all the other person must have been through, or lacks that you probably have. So, while the first thing you may want to do is call your bestie and compare marks, remember that comparing doesn’t actually achieve anything other than diminishing your sense of self.

9. Talk to a Good Friend When You Feel the Burden of Exams.

Need a friendly talk? Or a conversation with a buddy? Share your feelings of stress with a close friend. Sometimes, your peers will surprise you with their level of maturity and insight. Seek the counsel of a good friend who truly understands you. Lighten up by talking your stress out.

10. Make Sure to Get Adequate Rest.

One of the most common compromises that students tend to make during this stressful period is sleep. You need your eight-hours now more than any other time of the year. A well-rested body and mind will grasp information more easily.


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