
“5 Ways To Guarantee Your Parents Will Let You Study Abroad”
“5 Ways To Guarantee Your Parents Will Let You Study Abroad”


Do you harbour dreams of studying abroad but not sure if your parents will let you pursue your aspirations? Firstly, you have to be certain why you want to study abroad. Secondly, you must understand the reasons that hold your parents back from letting you go. Your parents must be afflicted with innumerable questions about your well-being and prospects. However, if you are confident about your decision and have done your due diligience, you will be able to convince your parents about the benefits of a study abroad experience.

Here are 5 top advantages associated with studying abroad which should persuade your parents to accept (or at least support) your decision:

I will be part of a global community: Studying abroad opens the gates to a new and a very different world. You’ll be surrounded with students and teachers from different geographical dimensions, different cultural backgrounds and demographic communities sharing a common platform and common goals. And they’ll soon become a part of your life, some your close acquaintances and friends. The vibrant interaction with so many cultures under one roof will not only unlock your views but lead you to widen your perspective of the world. Besides having an insight into diverse ways of life, you’ll have a great network from the international fraternity. Eventually these contacts will expand your opportunities of a promising future.

I will be learning hands-on: You’ll have access to a broader periphery of learning as the pedagogy lays equal stress on theory as well as practical application of the knowledge. Hence, the learning approach helps in achieving a deeper understanding of your area of study. You get the opportunity to explore further through intensive research, project works, also participating in internship programs. You can opt for exchange programs to other universities/colleges that offer specialisation courses on your areas of interest. Studying abroad will make you a part of a very dynamic environment of continuous growth.

It will prepare me to be independent and confident: As you go for overseas education, separating from your parents/family/friends would be one of the most difficult parts of the journey. On one hand, you’ll be missing them and on the other, from then on, you’ll be your own guardian. It’s exciting as well as intimidating. However, after the initial days of struggle with almost everything from studies to managing expenses, you’ll be surprised at your efficiency to manage, organise, prioritise almost everything quite smoothly. Furthermore, you’ll learn to make decisions fast and deliver appropriately. In short, by staying alone, you’ll grow to be independent, confident and self-reliant.

I will polish my communication skills and learn new languages: Along with your peer group, you will be constantly interacting with professionals, students, professors on campus and with locals outside. Hence, naturally, you’ll develop the art to communicate appropriately in different contexts to make meaningful and relevant conversation. Moreover, you’ll be acquainted with the various kinds of culture specific modes of communication. You might also pick up the typical parlance/lingo used among friends on campus or by the locals. In fact, you’ll learn the way people outside of your country communicate.  In addition to refining your communication skills, study abroad will pave your way for learning new languages. If you are studying in an English-speaking country, you’ll acquire near native fluency and language ability. The higher your linguistic proficiency and the better your communication skill, the better your chances of being universally accepted in any organisation.

I will have better job prospects: Surveys say that a study abroad experience is given more weightage in the job market. It is assumed that your vast exposure on an international arena will not only equip you with academic strength, but also with important life skills, social skills and maturity. You truly will be “job ready” upon graduation.  Here are some of the attributes that employers regard in the prospective candidate with study abroad experience:

  • Ability to establish meaningful communication with international clients
  • Aware of cross cultural differences and capable of building team spirit
  • Skilled at seamlessly collaborating with other business houses across the globe
  • Equipped to hit the ground running and tackle any issue head on

Most alumni from foreign universities will reiterate these advantages and credit their study abroad experience for helping them to easily adjust to the work culture and professional climate in their respective organisations. Also study abroad candidates can earn higher remuneration than their domestic counterparts. Studying abroad promises better ROI.

Citing these examples, discuss with your parents how your study abroad experience will propel you steps ahead of others. Once they are aware of the potential advantages they know they are setting you on the path to success.


ReachIvy is a premium education and career advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top tier educational institutions globally. We have successful admits at MIT, Columbia, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics, University of Michigan, Oxford, University of Chicago amongst others.

<a href=">Vibha Kagzi, Founder and CEO, ReachIvy, holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

Our global team of counsellors have also acquired their degrees from premier institutes and are passionate about sharing their experiences with students worldwide.