
“7 Highly Effective Round 3 MBA Application Strategies”
“7 Highly Effective Round 3 MBA Application Strategies”


The final round deadlines for MBA aspirants are around the corner.This is going to be a make-or-break period for you, so it's time to roll up your sleevesand start working towards the upcoming April and May deadlines.Here are seven highly effective round 3 MBA application strategies to ensure you have a successful and well-rounded application:

  1. Think of a compelling reason why you did not apply in earlier rounds

When applying to round 3, you will be directly or indirectly asked about the reason you missed the earlier opportunities. Do not get nervous; put forward your reason confidently. You have to convince the committee with a compelling reason and with full conviction. Be prepared for some cross-questioning. Just make sure your case is devoid of any outright false stipulations because that may land you in serious trouble.

  1. Convince the committee what difference you can bring to the table

Being in round 3 means more candidates and fewer available spots, which lessens the conversion percentage. You need to demonstrate to the admission committee that you will add a positive experience to the program, which could be from your professional or academic experience or co-curricular activities. You need to showcase your talent which gives you an edge over other applicants with a promise to deliver the best under any circumstances.

  1. Focus on a limited number of schools

As the time is limited, instead of going for many options, focus on just three to four schools that matter the most. This way you can tailor-make your resume and prepare better for these schools.By limiting yourself to fewer schools, you will have more time to devote to research and build a strong application for your target schools. You can always save a few options to apply to in round 1 the nextacademic year.

  1. Showcase your motivation

In round 3 you need to work on your application and an essay that should reflect that your goal for an MBA programis well thought out and that you are clear about your short- and long-term goals. Moreover, you have to align them with the mission and vision of an MBA program,showcasing that both the institution and you have a single interest.Yourconviction that your presence will bring about positive changes and will have a long-lasting effect will boost your chances substantially.

  1. Consider benefits of other programs

The United States is a country that first comes to mind when you sift through your options for MBA schools. Keep other top international destinations in mind including Singapore, Europe and Canada. These geographies too have premiere institutes with world-class MBA programs, and you may still be eligible for financial aid and scholarship.

  1. Demonstrate that you have researched the school

You need to show the admission’s committee that you have thoroughly researched the school. In your application and essay(s), you have to demonstrate that you had interacted with students (both current and alumni) and faculty and that the school’s philosophy are aligned with your interests and goals. Your research about the school will prove to be a gateway to success. Extensive and relevant knowledge about the business school and program will surely manifest your zeal and enthusiasm. It will also reinforce your claim that the school is not your back-up plan, but rather a first choice.

  1. Have a backup plan ready

Itʼs not uncommon for meritorious and worthy candidates to be rejected in round 3. Ensure you have a Plan B, whether it’s staying in your current job or pursuing other opportunities. Reassess your efforts this time around and think about the ways you might enhance your profile for a reapplication when the admission cycle begins next year. Self-analysis will provide new perspectives and will help you boost your application for the next time.

To sum up, round 3 is a tactical round inthe MBA application process. You should be thoroughlyprepared before applying as one mistake can severely mar your chances to make it to the cut-off list. Even if you miss the chance, it should not deter you from reapplying in round 1 or 2 the next year in the following academic cycle. The strategies listed above will help you prepare better. However, getting into a top B-school is definitely challenging, but go full throttle and leave no stone unturned in your efforts, then you emerge a winner always.We wish you the very best with your application!


ReachIvy is a premium education and career advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top tier educational institutions globally. We have successful admits at MIT, Columbia, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics, University of Michigan, Oxford, University of Chicago amongst others.

Vibha Kagzi, Founder and CEO, ReachIvy, holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

Our globalteamof counsellors have also acquired their degrees from premier institutes and are passionate about sharing their experiences with students worldwide.