
‘8 ways Indian engineers can boost their employment chances in coming years‘
‘8 ways Indian engineers can boost their employment chances in coming years‘

The good part about Indian engineering programs is that they cover a broad-spectrum of theoretical concepts, thus laying a strong foundation of technical knowledge. However, putting your theoretical knowledge into practical application in a dynamic working environment requires more just an engineering degree.
If you are an Indian engineer, and want to boost your employability, Ms.Vibha Kagzi, Founder & Chief Education Officer of explains the 8 ways to improve the chances of securing a job in the current scenario.

1.Develop Language Skills - No, we don’t mean learn new computer languages. While they may be a great asset to your existing portfolio of technical skills, you could do wonders by simply learning a different foreign language. Try learning Mandarin, Spanish or German. Studies have proven that people with a foreign language have greater employment opportunities.

2.Pick Up Some Vocational Training - The world as we know today is constantly reinventing itself. Why would you choose to be left behind? It is a great idea to pick up some vocational courses on relevant cutting edge advancements such as multimedia, 3D animation, webmaster training, and the like. Vocational training gives you hands-on experience, a crowning glory on your resume.

3.Enhance Your Communication Skills - Strong communication is a pre-requisite for managerial positions. To be a good leader, you must be a good communicator. Add a new dimension to your personality by taking up specialized communication programs such as Trinity exams in Speech. Take part in leadership roles in clubs, or in volunteer groups. You learn a lot by interacting with people from various backgrounds. Groups like JAM and Toastmasters International will boost your verbal skills and take you further up the ladder.

4.Study Business at Top Indian Institutes - As an Indian engineer with sound technical knowledge, you are poised to enhance your business skills. A further education in business will help you climb the corporate ladder faster than simply an engineering degree. Consider equipping yourself with an MBA program from some of the top MBA institutes such as the IIMs and the like.A recent job survey showed that employees who had an engineering plus MBA background enjoyed a higher career growth compared to other candidates. Engineering education develops your critical thinking skills. Couple it with managerial knowhow, and you will become an invaluable asset to any organization.

5.Pursue an International MBA or MS Program - Want to climb higher? Fly overseas for an international post graduate degree. An MBA or an MS degree from a top university abroad can further boost your employability as it provides you an opportunity for holistic development. International post graduate programs offer you a wider range of electives across disciplines, and institutes. Not only do you get to cast a wider net by tapping into a huge network of international employers, you also can get to explore alternate career paths. A foreign program will help you develop a global view as you see the woods from the trees. An international education program can also significantly boost your soft skills. As an international student, you get to interact with students from around the world on a day-to-day basis. Though language and culture can be a huge barrier initially, you will learn to overcome them, and gradually build your interpersonal and communication skills. Club meets, sporting events and cultural nights are great places to improve your leadership, teamwork and other interpersonal skills.

6.Get Maximum Advantage From Your Social Media Contacts - Put your social media connections to good use. Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn and Twitter are great sites to increase your connectivity to a wider reach of employers and contemporaries. Share your profile, CV or resume with your friends and contacts on social media. You never know where the next job is waiting. On job friendly sites like LinkedIn, you can build your professional contacts and explore the nature of jobs available.

7.Network Through Clubs and Alumni Groups - Make your peer group a part of your support system. Join organizations, alumni associations, and school clubs to engage, interact and network. Find out what your colleagues are doing and how you can gain from their connections.

8.Revamp Your Resume and Improve Visibility - You may have a great career or academic background, but your resume may be holding you back. Does your resume highlight your achievements? Does the resume look neat enough to attract eyeballs? Did you showcase your profile to look positive, energetic and employable?

Make sure your resume is updated and provides a compelling snapshot of your background. Stay ahead of the curve by equipping yourself with employable skills. As an engineer you already have a sound technical background. With these 8 tips, you can fast track your career growth.


ReachIvy is a premium education and career advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top tier educational institutions globally. We have successful admits at MIT, Columbia, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics, University of Michigan, Oxford, University of Chicago amongst others.

Vibha Kagzi, Founder and CEO, ReachIvy, holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

Our global team of counsellors have also acquired their degrees from premier institutes and are passionate about sharing their experiences with students worldwide.