
‘Canada Gaining Popularity As A Student Destination‘
‘Canada Gaining Popularity As A Student Destination‘

Over the years, Canada has increasingly become a popular destination for students seeking higher education abroad. Here’s why.

Canada is fast becoming a favourite study abroad destination because of its world-class universities, international student facilities and peaceful environment. With a comparatively lower cost of education, favourable work prospects for international students and a peaceful ambience, it has become a coveted education destination. McGill University, Concordia University, University of Toronto, University of British Columbia are some of the top-ranking universities globally.

Why Canada?

There are several benefits to studying in Canada ranging from developing diverse skill sets, to becoming independent:

1. Enrich your Experience Through the Diversity on Campus

You will get to engage with students from across the globe. The multi-cultural environment will teach you how to think outside the box, and help you build different perspectives, ideas and points of view.

2. Earn the Best Return On Your Investment

The living standards in Canada are amongst the highest in the world, but the cost of living and tuition fees for international students are generally lower than in other comparable countries.The schools in Canada are more affordable, compared to other popular destinations even though it hosts some premier institutions with excellent facilities and faculty. Tuition cost, and living costs fall within the affordability bracket, for students looking to get the best education on a low cost.

3. Get a Government Funded Scholarship to study in Canada.

The government of Canada and some Canadian universities have got together to offer world class education with scholarships for international students. These include:

a. The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships
International PhD. Students can avail of this scholarship, if you are enrolled at a Canadian university. This award grants of $50,000 annually for three years.

b. Concordia University Undergraduate Scholarships
This program offers 193 scholarships to international students pursuing undergraduate degrees in a broad range of subjects and disciplines.

c. The Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship Programme
This scholarship is provided by Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada (DFAIT), in which international students can avail up to $10,000 if you are enrolled at a recognized public Canadian institution, or an affiliated research institute.

d. University of Calgary Graduate Studies Award
Get a full and partial scholarship up to $40,000.Awards are competitive and based on merit, in addition to other criteria.

These are just a few of the financial aid offerings available in Canada. The Canadian government has gone a step further to make lives easy for international students. They have set up searchable databases, where you simply enter your country of origin and the database yields a list of opportunities on the funding sponsors.

4. Job Opportunities
The Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) recently made changes to the Post-Graduate Work Permit Program to make it more flexible and responsive to the needs of international students. Under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program, international graduates can now obtain a three-year open work permit, allowing them to work for any Canadian employer in any industry. They are not required to have a Canadian job offer at the time of application.

In addition, Canadian universities allow international students job opportunities to support themselves. Through the study permit, you can work part time on or off campus during the academic year, and full time during semester breaks.

What is the Cost of Education in Canada?

When studying in Canada you need to factor in a number of costs including:

1. Tuition fees
Tuition fees vary based on the university, duration and program. The average cost of a top undergraduate program is approximately US$17,000/year.

2. Living costs
This includes rent, room and board, transportation, and other daily expenses. On average they are approximately US$ 10,000 to 12,000 per year.

The lifestyle that you choose to embrace will also make a marked difference to your overall expenditure. If you adopt a culture of saving, curbing down extraneous spending, you will not run out of funds easily.

Canada is the shining starthat offers a highly competitive educational environment and infrastructure. Furthermore, what makes Canada a good option is the warm approach that the country has towards international students. The Canadian governmentis adopting international student-friendly policies to enable international students to pursue their education with minimal stress. This makes Canada a popular study abroad destination among many Indians and other international students.


ReachIvy is a premium education and career advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top tier educational institutions globally. We have successful admits at MIT, Columbia, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics, University of Michigan, Oxford, University of Chicago amongst others.

Vibha Kagzi, Founder and CEO, ReachIvy, holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

Our global team of counsellors have also acquired their degrees from premier institutes and are passionate about sharing their experiences with students worldwide.