
“Emerging courses in the education sector”
“Emerging courses in the education sector”


Have you wondered how you get those e-mail messages from various brands just when you are browsing the net for a product or a service? Or that you can create anything from a chocolate bar to a door knob using the 3D printer? Thanks to the emerging technologies and studies in various educational domains - they are making the unthinkable possible. It is also expanding the horizon for the young generation of learners to explore new fields of study. You are no longer constrained by choice of subjects, as universities across the globe are offering a broad spectrum of courses in emerging and conventional streams to help you fulfil your dreams. Let’s probe into the emerging programs:

What’s new in Engineering?

Engineering has pre-dominated our career choice for ages, and why not, it’s a crucial field that drives all things technical. However, as we are stepping into a different era, we need something more than what traditional and standalone engineering branches namely mechanical, civil, electrical etc offer. There is a spate of new courses developed for a more focused and specialised approach at creating solutions in all arenas of life. For instance:

  • Environmental Engineering: An off-shoot of civil engineering, this branch is garnering attention because of its importance in restoring our planet’s health. As an environmental engineer, you can devise novel techniques of controlling pollution and neutralizing toxic fumes.
  • Robotics Engineering: If you are intrigued by the idea of automation, robotics engineering will certainly satisfy your needs. It hand holds you to understand, and acquire insights about automation and machine learning and how they are an answer to our need for accuracy, speed and efficiency. You’ll be able to implement the concept of robotics in manufacturing and other areas that calls for repetitive tasks and quick turnarounds.
  • Interdisciplinary Engineering: Due to the overlapping of many industries, we also need subsequent fields of technological advancement. This has created a plethora of interdisciplinary branches like Mechatronics (mechanical and electronics), biomechanical (biology and mechanical), biochemical (biology and chemical) etc. This approach has opened the doors to innovative enterprises and lucrative roles in diverse sectors.

Which courses in life science and medicine are going strong?

Medical Science has proliferated into diverse branches besides the traditional fields of medical practices and nursing. If you do not want to be a doctor yet passionate about the medical field, you can look forward to some significant and vital areas of study. You have a gamut of options in various specialised domains that will not only challenge your intellect but offer you tremendous career growth. Here are a few prospective courses that are gaining popularity due to a flourishing healthcare market:

  • Genetics: There has been a tremendous growth in the realm of Genetics. From Genetic Engineering to Applied Genetics, Stem Cell & Tissue Engineering to Genomics, you’ll have numerous concentrations to pursue. This field will not only allow you to dig into the intricacies of our DNA structure, human genome and how our cells function, but relate all the concepts with the healthcare industry. It offers a long list of career opportunities in research science, biochemical industry, pharmaceutical and agrochemical industry etc.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Given the pivotal role drugs and medicines play in healthcare, popularity of pharmaceutical studies has seen a steep rise in recent times. Moreover, it offers a multitude of streams like Pharmacy technician, Pharmacy and Forensic studies, Pharmacovigilance etc. For instance, if you study Pharmacovigilance, you’ll be an expert assessor to determine how safe a medicine is. Your job will immensely contribute to overall patient care and well-being. If research stimulates your intellect, pharmaceutical studies will render ample scopes. You’ll also be an asset to pharmaceutical and health care organisations.
  • Nutrition and Dietetics: The domain offers great scope as it’s a popular and in-demand career option in the food and healthcare sector. As a nutritionist and dietician, you’ll be a master of a wide range of areas from nutrition sciences, food service systems management to culinary arts and biochemistry etc.

What are the new courses in the field of Business and Marketing?

Do you harbour starting your own enterprise or use novel ideas to help others start theirs? You are certainly cut out for the business and marketing world. To add more polish to your skills and equip you with foundational knowledge, practical insights and thorough training, there are myriad specialised courses. Check out a few of the latest courses and the career options:

  • Business Management: It’s one of the most sought-after courses and provide expertise in various related fields like Entrepreneurship, Corporate Finance, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Human Resource etc. Professionals from other sectors are opting for business management courses as it has become an indispensable learning need for gaining superior organisational skills and innovative approaches to problem solving.
  • Marketing Mix: The more technologies, the more marketing strategies. If you are captivated by the ever-evolving dynamics of marketing, there is a range of marketing courses that will provide you with contemporary and relevant trends, qualification and skills. In the array of courses are – Digital Marketing, International Marketing, Brand Marketing, Market Research, to name a few.

Which courses are influencing all sectors?

Data Science has become the pre-requisite of all industries. Whether business house, medical facility, banking or public service sectors, the relevance of data is common to all. The field of data science will make you adept at data handling and also ensure a thriving career. Along with it, you can opt for Machine Learning & AI (Artificial Intelligence) which is implemented far and wide in all industries to generate automation of processes and also to drive better accuracy and efficiency. There has also been a blossoming of cross-collaborative studies like MBA in Engineering (Masters in Engineering Management) etc. to enable connection and underline inter-dependence between various sectors. You’ll fit in any industry, acquire diverse yet relevant experience and will always be on a growth curve.

What are the latest in Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences?

Art has forever been an escape route from the mundane. Courses like music therapy, dance therapy, an interaction of dance and yoga are designed to not only promote a sense of well-being but to spread it across as a way of life. You can have a rewarding future as a practitioner of healing through art. Just as art creates indelible impact, Humanities and Social Science are the epicentres of all great changes. If you strongly react to social issues, are an avid follower of socio-political affairs and love to read about history, you’ll do wonders in the field of Humanities and Social Science. Among a multitude of courses, the ones that are becoming conspicuously popular are:  Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Anthropology, History and Science and International Relations. This stream will lead to opportunities in Publishing, Writing, Teaching, Government Offices, NGO’s etc.

There’s a sea of traditional and new courses, and it can be a baffling experience to pick one. Do a thorough analysis of your preference based on your inherent talent, interest, performance and your goal. Whichever courses you may pursue, work hard, stay focused and enjoy the fruit of success.


ReachIvy is a premium education and career advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top tier educational institutions globally. We have successful admits at MIT, Columbia, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics, University of Michigan, Oxford, University of Chicago amongst others.

Vibha Kagzi, Founder and CEO, ReachIvy, holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

Our global team of counsellors have also acquired their degrees from premier institutes and are passionate about sharing their experiences with students worldwide.