
“How to Convince your Parents to Let you Study Abroad?”
“How to Convince your Parents to Let you Study Abroad?”


Your plans to study abroad may initially not receive a warm welcome from your parents. It’s not that they don’t want you to go but cannot overcome their apprehensions of leaving you alone. All they need is assurance about your well-being, safety, comfort and happiness. However, before trying to convince your parents, introspect and analyse your reasons for wanting to study abroad. Do you want to experience independence, gain international exposure or explore the world? Find your answers and build a response to resolve your parents’ dilemma. Here are some tips and suggestions on how to convince your parents to let you study abroad:

Include your parents in your plans: If you want to win your parents’ confidence, make them an integral part of your journey. Include them in your research on colleges and courses, seek their counsel on what program would suit your needs and interests. Discuss how to be more organised in your preparation, what would be the best funding options, scholarships etc. Let them meet parents of other study abroad students for valuable insights. Once your parents actively participate in the process, they’ll be as eager as you and look for the best study abroad options for you.

I’ll ensure my safety first and foremost: Assure your parents that you’ll take care of yourself and your belongings especially when travelling around. You’ll always carry with you a list of emergency numbers and contact details. Before setting off, register yourself with MADAD, the online consular platform for helping study abroad students in an emergency. Make sure to connect with your parents over Skype, Google Hangout, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp etc. Tell them that you’ll connect regularly and keep them updated about any change of plans.

I’ll learn to manage on my own: Your parents must be worried about the fact that it will be too much for you to handle your studies and household affairs. Start your preparation from home. Take more initiative and start shouldering responsibilities like doing the grocery, paying bills, cooking, house cleaning etc. This will not only build your skills in those areas but lend you more confidence. For your parents, they’ll have more faith in your abilities to manage on your own.

I’ll handle my finances well: Ask your parents how they plan their finances, how to cut down on cash outflow effectively, and what ways you can stay on budget. Also get tips on how to save monthly. Read about financial planning for study abroad students, seek information from current students, alumni about how they managed their expenses, what are the waivers and discounts available for international students. Don’t forget to share your plans with your parents. Once they see your seriousness and initiative at handling money, their anxiety will diminish considerably.

Visit Colleges with your parents: One of the best ways to relax your parents is by taking them on campus visits. They’ll see the infrastructure, facilities, understand the safety and security norms. Furthermore, they can also talk to students, staff, admission counsellors for international students and professors to get a clearer picture. You can also learn about the geography, climate, culture as well as the cost of living.

I’ll get world-class education: Explain to your parents how an international education will benefit you. Here are some of the areas where education in a foreign university stands apart:

  • Holistic curriculum that provides students with an equal share of theoretical knowledge and practical application
  • Students can look forward to being taught by renowned scholars, distinguished writers, eminent scientists as well as world famous leaders from across industries and fields.
  • Interactive lectures, collaborative work with peers, seminars, field trips, exchange programs with partner schools
  • Assessments are based on an overall evaluation of students in various academic performances and categories like class participation, project work, quiz, seminars, attendance etc.
  • Research facilities for students from all levels to participate and contribute in different fields of study
  • Students get the scope to explore their talents in other areas beyond academics. There are numerous clubs, associations and extra-curricular programs focused on developing relevant skills including inter-personal skills, leadership skills and important life skills.

You’ll get a comprehensive account of the curriculum and other academic facilities from the college websites, their social media profiles and e-brochures.

I’ll have better employability: You can check out the batch profiles of your target schools to know about the employability status of graduate students as well as the employment placement activities on campus. Furthermore, share with your parents how multi-national companies prefer candidates with international experience. Employers across the globe view candidates with study abroad experience to possess strong language proficiency, have multi-lingual capabilities, impeccable collaborative skills and an entrepreneurial mindset. With a degree from a top-tier school, your chances of being shortlisted for job interviews will increase.

My network will span across the globe: Study abroad provides students with a solid platform to be internationally recognised. You’ll be interacting and collaborating with dynamic individuals be it professors or peers. You’ll have a broad network of friends, peers and acquaintances from various backgrounds as well as nationalities. You can depend on this group for advice, industry updates, investments and partnerships for innovative enterprises. Tell your parents about this unique opportunity that cannot be achieved otherwise.

Your parents want you to achieve the best in terms of education, career and personal satisfaction. Once they come on board with you on your pursuit to study abroad, they’ll realize that it will equip you with essential ingredients to forge ahead in life. With your parents’ blessings, you’ll certainly fulfil your dreams.


ReachIvy is a premium education and career advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top tier educational institutions globally. We have successful admits at MIT, Columbia, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics, University of Michigan, Oxford, University of Chicago amongst others.

Vibha Kagzi, Founder and CEO, ReachIvy, holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

Our global team of counsellors have also acquired their degrees from premier institutes and are passionate about sharing their experiences with students worldwide.