
“How yoga helps in work life balance“
“How yoga helps in work life balance“


World Yoga Day is round the corner, and there isn’t a more appropriate time to discuss Yoga and how it positively influences many aspects of our life. Much has been spoken about yoga as an exercise for physical and mental well being but we haven’t explored the impact of yoga in maintaining the work life balance. And who better than a CEO of a company, hard pressed for time—talking about the balance. Vibha Kagzi is the Founder & CEO of and a big Yoga enthusiast (She recently practiced floating yoga in Hawaii). She shares her perspective about yoga and how that has helped her reach that balance.

“Isn’t work part of life? So, instead of weighing one against the other, I think it’s important to find out how best we can enjoy and maximise our efforts. Yoga teaches us the art of synchronizing our tasks, both personal and professional, and bringing a healthy rhythm to our life. However, it is imperative that you are trained by a practitioner, and follow the lifestyle that each yogic concept prescribes to attain physical, mental and spiritual well-being.”

She lists down the three most important points to consider Yoga:

Energizes the body: Yoga focuses on training your body’s reflexes by emphasizing on breathing exercises through anulom/vilom. Whenever we are under stress, you’ll notice that our breathing becomes irregular. Deep breathing helps us overcome our anxiety and relaxes our muscles. You feel in-control, and composed. If you practice yoga religiously, your inner machinery will develop greater resilience. As a result, you can be more efficient at work, have greater hold over yourself, respond faster, have a calming effect on others and act wisely. Yoga will empower you with more tenacity, better poise and a confident posture. An energetic personality is key to a thriving career.

  • Activates the mind: Meditation is an integral part of yogic pursuits. Each session begins with mediation. Even if you do not practice perform asanas, meditation alone will help you transcend worries, generate positivity and achieve harmony with your surroundings. It is also highly effective in building concentration and retaining our focus for a long time. With gadgets trespassing our me-time and diverting us every few seconds, it is essential that we know how to curb our mind from wandering. It has a direct impact on our work as our mind becomes more agile and our endeavours flawless.
  • Nurtures the soul: Yoga also takes you on a journey of spiritual well-being. The various postures, practices and chanting harmonize your senses with the elements. You’ll feel pure, rejuvenated and at peace. At various junctures in life, be it in the workplace or otherwise, we try to battle negativity that might be triggered by stress, workload or failed commitments. Negativity is detrimental for our health. By practising yoga, you can actually dissociate yourself from mundane affairs. It nourishes your inner being and trains your spirit to take challenges in your stride and move on. Medical science has proven that positivity has a direct impact on our overall health. Yoga is my one-stop remedy to achieve a healthy and happy life.


ReachIvy is a premium education and career advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top tier educational institutions globally. We have successful admits at MIT, Columbia, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics, University of Michigan, Oxford, University of Chicago amongst others.

Vibha Kagzi, Founder and CEO, ReachIvy, holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

Our global team of counsellors have also acquired their degrees from premier institutes and are passionate about sharing their experiences with students worldwide.