
“Life Lessons Students Learn While Studying Abroad”
“Life Lessons Students Learn While Studying Abroad”


As Bernard Shaw said, ‘Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself’, and study abroad is a journey where you learn, understand and create a new you. It calls for an immense change in your life that you’ll be proud of. If you are wondering what makes study abroad so unique and transformative, read through the following and you’ll know the story:

There’s no such thing as a silly question: Have you ever shied away from asking a question so as not to sound silly? Children ask questions fearlessly and spontaneously but as we grow older, though our questions don’t stop, we stop ourselves from asking them. Teachers abroad alleviate students’ fears of being rebuffed by encouraging them to pose as many questions as they want. Hence, lessons constitute of dynamic sessions, interactive discussions, and debates moderated by professors. This is where and how you’ll learn to think out of the box and dare to dream a unique life.

Time management is everything: The skill to plan and execute, set boundaries yet multitask and reach your desired target is the art of time management. When studying abroad, you’ll understand and acquire the technique of being punctual as well as efficient in your academic and personal commitments. However, in addition to studying and meeting the academic demands, you will also have to pay bills, run errands, do household chores, attend social events and engage in activities outside of the classroom. Study abroad will teach you that effective management of time is a prerequisite to stay ahead of the race.

New found appreciation for family: Going overseas for higher education also means being separated from family and friends. At home, we take many things for granted and only realise their value when we are away from them. They become our precious possession for life. This is an incredible realization which helps you look at the world from a new perspective, and increases your affinity for all things that remind you of your family. Unlike the myth, study abroad reinforces your respect and admiration for your loved ones and your traditions.

It’s important to try new things: Staying alone would, above all things, make you more experimental. From food, dressing, culture and lifestyle, it’ll be a totally different world that would excite, surprise and challenge you. As you find your way around and learn to be more comfortable, you realise that you cannot carve your space unless you know how to fit in. Study abroad frees you from inhibitions and hesitations, and makes you more inquisitive and proactive.

Grades aren’t everything: As you step into the larger world, you’ll be surprised to meet peers with great versatility. Academic rigour is assumed to be the bottom-line of a students’ educational journey, but not the be-all and end-all of it. Extracurricular activities form an integral part of the curriculum and collge experience. Each campus houses over 100 clubs, out of which many are founded by students. You’ll have numerous opportunities to hone your talent and develop new skills.

It’s ok to ask for help: At the initial phase of your study abroad, you’ll face problems regarding adjustment to a new climate, lifestyle, food, directions etc. You’ll have to seek help from peers, professors, neighbours and even locals. You might feel slightly hesitant, but eventually you’ll learn that it’s normal, and people do assist in whatever way they can. Also, remember to seek your college counsellor/international student advisor if you think you cannot handle anything, be it emotional or financial. They are extremely understanding and will take immediate action to resolve the issue.

Appreciate differences and respect opinions: Your mind will resonate with the spirit of unity in diversity. You’ll meet individuals from diverse cultures and communities, on campus, excursions, exchange programs etc. and gain insight about what makes us different and where we connect. It will widen your notion of the world and make you more sensitive, understanding and accepting of people. You’ll naturally become tolerant, empathetic and learn to respect the opinions of others. Later in life, your outlook will win you leadership roles and earn you many well-wishers.

There is more than one way to do something: Creativity flourishes when you explore a broader periphery of life. Study abroad offers you a platform to venture out, discover new things, observe, understand and learn from different kinds of people and places. It unlocks your mind and teaches you how to solve a problem in more than one way. Remember, you are in the company of talented students and teachers from across the world. They’ll be your steady resource for ideas and innovations. What more, you’ll always have many alternatives under your belt and no roadblock would seem unsurmountable.

Learn to be independent: The best way to learn to be independent is by being independent. Back home, surrounded by over-protective parents, concerned relatives and supportive friends, we hardly get a taste of what real independence entails. It is not only limited to harbouring an independent mind but to roll up your sleeves and tackle things head on from cooking to cleaning, shopping to studies. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? It is as much exciting as it is enlightening. You’ll emerge confident, self-reliant and independent.

Life’s all about learning. Study abroad will enrich your life by offering you a world of diverse, novel and wonderful experiences. Be ready to stretch your wings and scale the many highs of life.


ReachIvy is a premium education and career advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top tier educational institutions globally. We have successful admits at MIT, Columbia, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics, University of Michigan, Oxford, University of Chicago amongst others.

Vibha Kagzi, Founder and CEO, ReachIvy, holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

Our global team of counsellors have also acquired their degrees from premier institutes and are passionate about sharing their experiences with students worldwide.