
“More and More Indians Are Travelling Overseas to Study, and These 4 Myth busters Explain Why”
“More and More Indians Are Travelling Overseas to Study, and These 4 Myth busters Explain Why”


As per Open Doors Statistics, 2016 records a 25% rise in the number of Indian students studying in the US. Despite the current immigration policies, Indian students who aspire to study at top colleges abroad are working diligently to gain admission at their dream universities. Besides students, executives and professionals are opting for an international program either to further their qualifications or enhance job related skills. The Indian Government also facilitates many opportunities for students to study in various countries on scholarships. We are indeed setting our eyes more than ever on an international academic opportunity for holistic learning, diverse network and global exposure. Let’s take a deeper dive to understand the change in our mindset towards study abroad.

X “It’s beneficial only if you are not coming back to India”

There are a broad range of opportunities to maximize back home


The number of successful entrepreneurial ventures in India helmed by graduates from top-tier business schools will tell you a different story. Snapdeal co-founder Kunal Bahl is an alumnus of the University of Pennsylvania. Saurabh Kumar and Albinder Dhindsa, founders of Groffer, are gradutes of eminent foreign institutions. Saurabh is an alumnus of the University of Texas in Austin and Dhindsa completed his MBA from Columbia University. In fact, there is a growing surge among Indians to only study abroad to gain the holistic learning, then return home and implement their eduction to make the most of the opportunities in our country and leave a mark in their field of choice. The international platform offers you several unique opportunities that allows you to not only build on your academic base but also your soft skills - a pre-requisite in a leader and a team player.

An international education prepares you to succeed as an individual by allowing more scopes of self-discovery and personal growth. You’ll develop new-found appreciation for your own traditions and cultures and be driven by the urge to flourish it.

X “It’s only for the toppers”

There’s something for everyone


It was believed that only top scorers were accepted into reputed foreign universities. Though you do need to secure good grades in academics, many institutions also evaluate based on your overall performance in both scholastic and non-scholastic areas. Colleges want to know your other capabilities and interest. They are looking for an all-round performer. Here are some achievements that would add value to your credentials:

This is one of the reasons that schools are encouraging children to become more versatile by participating in various extra-curricular activities. Furthermore, we no longer consider study abroad the prerogative of a selected few. The rising interest among students, the number of enrolments of Indians in colleges across the globe prove that we have moved away from our pre-conceived notions.

X “It’s expensive and unaffordable”

There are a number of resources you can tap into to increase affordability


Financial concerns are there, but not as roadblocks. Due to a large number of program options, applicants can choose what fits their need and financial eligibility. Students are conducting considerable research on the various facilities and benefits available and then deciding on the course and the school. Secondly, most foreign universities in the likes of Harvard, Princeton, Yale etc. offer financial aid to international students. There are also a number of external resources students can tap in to. The Fulbright Scholarship offered by the US, the Rhodes Scholarship by the UK are some of the prestigious awards granted to highly talented international students. Merit based scholarships can be fully funded covering expenses like tuition, boarding, travel, etc. You also have countries like Canada, Australia, Germany, Singapore offering exclusive financial benefits to foreign candidates along with easy availability of work visa. Here’s a list of resources that students are resorting to for funds:

Indians on scholarships can save a considerable amount of their stipend. If you stay on a budget, restrain from spending unnecessarily, and adopt a humble lifestyle, you can avoid a run for cash. Record shows that alumni of eminent universities have secured good jobs or started their own business within and outside of India. Today parents want their children to receive an education abroad from premier institutions because of a promising future and ROI.

X “It’s not safe”

Student safety is priority no. 1

Parents were concerned about the safety of their children while they were in a foreign country. Today, with innumerable modes of communication channels, you can always remain connected with each other. Parents are now leveraging different apps and messenger services to keep a tab on their children. Students are regularly in touch with their family over skype, Google Hangouts etc. Furthermore, the Indian Government has installed MADAD, the online Consular Services Management System, to help Indian students studying in different geographies. There is greater awareness about the various sources of help and contact points. Parents and students are adopting concrete and effective measures to ensure security and safety before leaving home.

The more we understand the implications of international exposure, the more our views change. It’s imperative that in a global era, with a highly-connected geography, we approach education with an open mind and integrate all our learning to transform ourselves as well as society at large.


ReachIvy is a premium education and career advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top tier educational institutions globally. We have successful admits at MIT, Columbia, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics, University of Michigan, Oxford, University of Chicago amongst others.

Vibha Kagzi, Founder and CEO, ReachIvy, holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

Our global team of counsellors have also acquired their degrees from premier institutes and are passionate about sharing their experiences with students worldwide.