
‘Pain Points In Admission Processes And How To Tackle Them‘
‘Pain Points In Admission Processes And How To Tackle Them‘

Parents who have recently got their child admitted in school will acknowledge that it’s no less than climbing Mount Everest. Though the process is complex and can be blurry with each institution stipulating its own criteria, the task becomes comparatively easy if you approach it like a challenging job assignment.Let’s begin by understanding the issues that could hinder smooth sail and find relevant solutions to overcome them. When it comes to children, we are always in the ‘get-set-go’ mode. Right? So, here’s a list of the common problems and our take on how to resolve them:
Selection of schools: If you are lucky to settle in your hometown, you will be well acquainted with the schools that have excelled over the years and you’ll surely have made your list of the top schools for your little one. If you happen to be an alumnus of one of the reputed schools, all the better, as you’ll have the advantage in your child’s admission. However,most of us wonder which school and board would be the right fit for our child. With the emergence of new private schools affiliated to international boards and offering unique and diverse opportunities, the choice becomes a difficult one.Those of us who have to relocate due to work, we are often left clueless about good schools in that area.
Solution- Here’s what you can do to get a clearer picture when deciding your child’s alma mater:

School visit: Plan a visit to your target schools to have a feel of the educational environment at least a year ahead of the admission cycle.
Scour the website: Keep checking out the school website for admission updates and other areas like board results, achievements, various academic and extra-curricular programs and most importantly the infrastructure and facilities.
Connect with other parents: Parents of current students would be your ideal resource to learn about the many facets of the school. You’ll actually be able to get a feedback besides relevant information.

Varying admission criteria: The admission criteria can be a baffling affair and often keep parents on tenterhooks. It is not uniform across states and are often region specific. So, if you are relocating to a different region, you might not be aware of the admission pre-requisites. Some of the determinants, concerns and their solutions are:

Point system: In some regions school admission is based on point system. For example, scores are ascribed on the basis of age, location/distance, alumni parents, siblings, girl child to list a few.

Solution- If you are planning to move to a new city, you can do your due diligence by a) choosing a nearby locality, b) specifying relocation grounds. For local residents as well as for everyone else, the best option is to a) do your homework in advance by thoroughly understanding the criteria, b) have valid documents ready, c) if possible to move closer to your target school, d) do not waste time and effort where your ward meets none of the criteria in terms of age, location etc. e) consider schools affiliated to all the boards.

Transfer student: It has become a common scenario where parents have to change their child’s school mid-session due to a sudden job change. Remember, there are hardly any vacancies available in the middle of the session. Unless you are extremely lucky, mid-session admission is a mid-summer’s dream; plus, you also have to factor in your child’s response to a sudden change of school.

Solution –  a) wait it out till the end of the session, while you start researching on schools which would enable smooth transition for your child, b) Some schools have a policy of accepting transfer students. Meet with the management/Principal and discuss your situation, c) Do not forget to apply for and collect your child’s transfer certificate and other necessary documents from the last school before applying in a new school.
If you are seeking admission in schools affiliated to CBSE, ICSE or State board keep a tab on the latest announcements from the department of education regarding region specific admission norms.
Essential tips to beat the admission blues:

I’ve applied to 20 schools but still my child didn’t get admission in any: Ideally apply to 8-10 schools based on matching eligibility criteria. You’ll only be running from pillar to post in vain if you do not fulfil the required criteria.
Parent preparation: Be prepared to face interviews. Many schools have done away with student interview for admission in primary classes but designed one for parents. Do not be casual about it as your child’s future will depend on how you project yourself to the school. Learn about the school ethos, achievements and appreciate its performance. Furthermore, sound progressive and positive about your faith in the school system. Show that you are willing to volunteer for any educational cause. The main purpose of the interview is to review how much you’ll cooperate with the school in nurturing your child.
Preparing your child: Schools these days name it ‘interaction’. Though the tenor of the interaction is casual, your child will be evaluated based on confidence, linguistic skills and cognitive abilities. As you prepare your little one, do not force feed information but build on your child’s conversational skills and overall smartness. For primary classes, schools do not expect children to come with a treasure trove of knowledge but enthusiasm, inquisitiveness and the ability to respond well.

Getting into the right school relates to one’s mental and emotional well-being. Understand how your child learns and which environment draws out the best in him/her. Do not get stuck by conventional mindset regarding boards or school legacy. Admission is a tough call, but once your child finds the best fit school for him/her, it is worth all the hard work.


ReachIvy is a premium education and career advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top tier educational institutions globally. We have successful admits at MIT, Columbia, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics, University of Michigan, Oxford, University of Chicago amongst others.

Vibha Kagzi, Founder and CEO, ReachIvy, holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

Our global team of counsellors have also acquired their degrees from premier institutes and are passionate about sharing their experiences with students worldwide.