
The First 5 Steps to Take Once You Have Decided to Study Abroad
The First 5 Steps to Take Once You Have Decided to Study Abroad

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You’ve made up your mind; it is time to jump out of the pond and pursue your education abroad. Confused what to do next? Follow these 5 steps

Whether it is for want of better opportunities, universities, or more importantly, for the experience and the exposure you have decided you want to study abroad– that next step towards becoming a true global citizen.

However, at this point a pertinent question stands looming over you: How can I study abroad?
As daunting as this question may seem, it is imperative not to give up merely because you didn’t know the steps to take in order tomake reality out of this present decision. Here is a quick rundown of steps to let you know how to study abroad which you can immediately act and build upon.

First, Decide What You Want to Do
Albeit this is a question you should have answered before asking yourself howto study abroad, now is not too late. Remember – there are sundry programs and courses for you to choose from, be it a BA, BTech, MA, MTech, or even the popular MBA. Pick the correct course for yourself; being abroad is not the only thing you gain out of this endeavor. You are also there to learn, and to be stuck in a program that sucks the life out of you is not the best way to experience your time studying overseas.

Second, Decide Where You Want to Go
We get it – you want to study abroad; but where are you going to do it? Here are some considerations to keep in mind while answering this:

1.What kind of a culture/environment do you wish to study in?
2.Does the country/university of your choice offer the course you want?
3. Lingually, what countries/universities are you eligible for off-the-bat?

Remember, people go to different countries and universities too, based on the quality of education in particular fields that have been proven to be excellent or prestigious in nature, or simply due to convenience. For instance, INSEAD is chosen by many as it is one of the foremost B-schools with and entrepreneurial focus; the B.Phil postgraduate course at Oxford University is highly acclaimed in the world of philosophy. Once you have made up your mind, make a list of at least 8-10 colleges you might want to go to.

Third, Check Your Eligibility at These Colleges
Now that you have a potential list of countries and colleges, see what they require for you to qualify for their courses. This eligibility may range from a set of requisite scores, previous course/program to a bunch of exams youmight have to appear for and pass with a certain score (for instance, TOEFL, GMAT, GRE and so on).

If the country you wish to study in is not a majority-English-speaking nation, you might also want to check up on the courses offered in English and the proficiency level you are required to achieve before you are eligible to study there. For instance, some German universities require you to achieve at least a proficiency of B2 before you qualify to study there. While you’re at this, find out all you can about these universities, including their fee and course structures.

Fourth, Start Looking at their Application Process and Mapping your Path
The application process is perhaps among the most daunting of challenges that one is faced with while researching on how to study abroad. Universities may ask for essays, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose among other formalities. They all want to determine whether you are a right fit for them. To this end, look up their culture, campus vibe, values and other nitty-gritties of the university that will let you understand what they really believe is a desirable candidate. From here, know how you are going to tackle your application process, the deadlines and other important dates. Decide if you will need the expertise of study abroad consultants who will guide you throughout the way.

Fifth, Chart Your Finances
Let us face it – studying abroad and the costs of living abroad are not cheap. Now that you have answered most of the questions pertaining to how to study abroad, it’s time to also start pondering the financial aspect of the question. Unless you are the wealthy heir of a business magnate, chances are, you will need help financing your education. This can be done in many ways, with the two most popular ones being applying for a student loan or applying for a scholarship. Among loan options, there are several companies that exist solely to finance students that aspire to study abroad at reasonable rates of interest. Scholarships options include several instituted by universities themselves (do check with the university of your choice about the scholarships they provide!), and others like the Inlaks Scholarship, Fulbright-Nehru Master’s Fellowships and local Rotary Scholarships among others. Keep looking, and you will definitely find one to finance your aspirations.


ReachIvy is a premium education and career advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top tier educational institutions globally. We have successful admits at MIT, Columbia, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics, University of Michigan, Oxford, University of Chicago amongst others.

Vibha Kagzi, Founder and CEO, ReachIvy, holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

Our global team of counsellors have also acquired their degrees from premier institutes and are passionate about sharing their experiences with students worldwide.