
“Top FAQs Parents Ask Your Study Abroad Advisor”
“Top FAQs Parents Ask Your Study Abroad Advisor”


Now that you have made up your mindto board the plane to your dream destination, itʼs time to break the news to your parents.Be prepared to face endless questionsemanating from the overprotective and concerned souls. It is quite natural for themto ensure your safety, comfort, and well-being before they give a nod to your decision.A study abroad advisor can arrestall of these apprehensions with their expert guidance. So here’s a list of top questions parents ask their child’s study abroad advisor to put all their doubts to rest:

  1. Why should I send my child to study abroad?Studying abroad is a life-changing experience.International exposure can widen your childʼs horizon Educationfrom a globallyrecognized universitycan multiply the chances of post-graduation career opportunities, providing an outstanding return on the investment made.International campuses provide best-in-class research facilities, a holistic education framework, and a global network of friends. The challenges your child overcomeswhile studying in a foreign country can makethem more adaptable,flexible, and confident to handle any adverse situations in life.
  1. Where can Iget financial aid?Finance is one of the most important factors that can influence yourdecision. You want to be sure you can fund yourchildʼs higher education or find alternatives.There are several resources to look up:
  • Personal funding is one of the most popular ways, which involves receiving financial help from family and relatives.
  • University aid comprises of merit-based scholarships, which are granted based on special skills, talents, or abilities, and need-based scholarships, which are awarded based on financial need.
  • Banks provide education loans at some interest; inquire with several banks to compare their rate of interest.
  • External agencies like community organizations, companies, foundations, and government agencies also offer financial assistance.
  • Work study programs allow your childto work on campus by tutoring or getting employed as a research assistant, a librarian, or an administrative officer.
  1. When should the process start?It is always better to start early, ideally at least 3-4 years before applying to college. Doing so gives ample time for research,building the appropriate profile, finding the most suitable program, and arranging finances.


  1. What do colleges look for in a candidate? Universities have a holistic approach. They evaluate students on a number of levels that goes beyond their college or school grades. In general, they look for high academic accomplishment, leadership skills, extra-curricular and community impact, and an ability to thrive in adverse situations.
  1. How to decide which college is right? College selection should not be based on rankings alone; it is only one point of reference. Research the locations and schools your child is targeting, as each country, university and department has its own ethos, curriculum, and admission requirements.
    • Thoroughly check college websites.
    • Discuss with current students, alumni, and professors.
    • Accompany your child to college fairs in your city.

Based on these parameters, identify colleges that are the best match for your child.

  1. What are the standard application requirementsThe standard application requirements differ from country to country; however, the most common ones are (1) Application Form, (2) Application Fees, (3) Letter(s) of Recommendation(s), (4) Essay(s) or Statement of Purpose, (5) Resume, (6) Standardized Test Results, (7) English Proficiency Results, and (8) Transcripts. Double-check your childʼs documents to ensure they are complete. Prepare acheck-off list to avoid missing any requirements.
  1. How many schools should my child apply to? Based on the geography and program of interest,we strongly recommend that you help your child narrow down their choices through effective college selection and apply to about 5-10 universities. Make sure you have a range that includes:
  • A Reach School, where your childʼs profile and credentials may fall below the school’s range for an average student.
  • A Target or Match School, where your childʼs credentials and profile fall well within the school’s range for an average student.
  • A Safety School, where your childʼs credentials and profile fall above the school’s range for an average student.
  1. Will there be any lodging and security issues? Various options for accommodation are available for students, like dorms, home-stays, student apartments, hostels, etc. Select the accommodation that best matches your choice, requirements, and financial position. Academic advisors can proffer you with choices that are tailor-made to the requirements and will ensure the safety of your child.
  1. How can I support my child during their stay abroad?Sending your child outside the protective boundaries of home away from continuous monitoring can be a tough decision for you. Youmight be worried about the adaptability issues and homesickness your child may face. The best way is to keep all the channels of communication open. Do not discourage or dress them down without understanding their point of view. Always encourage your child and avoid sharing with them any disturbing news that may unsettle them.

Once you identify the right geography, college, and program, relax! You can now look forward to new beginnings for your child. They are about to venture out on a grand illuminating adventure. Help themat every step of their quest to make it to their dream school.


ReachIvy is a premium education and career advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top tier educational institutions globally. We have successful admits at MIT, Columbia, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics, University of Michigan, Oxford, University of Chicago amongst others.

Vibha Kagzi, Founder and CEO, ReachIvy, holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

Our globalteamof counsellors have also acquired their degrees from premier institutes and are passionate about sharing their experiences with students worldwide.