
“Top FAQ’s To Ask Your Study Abroad Advisor”
“Top FAQ’s To Ask Your Study Abroad Advisor”


Now that you are certain about furthering your studies abroad, you need to start with a sound action plan that will direct you appropriately. For that you must have enough information as well as accurate details. Professional help is the need of the hour. Approach a study abroad advisor to guide you through this process. A professional study advisor can answer your doubts, throw light on various requirements, provide solutions and help to tailor a plan as per your criteria and eligibility. Here’s a list of questions to ask your study abroad advisor:

How is studying abroad different from studying in my own country?

Studying abroad provides you with unmatched experiences by introducing you to a bigger and diverse world. At an early age in life you become part of a global community, directly interacting, sharing and exchanging ideas and opinions with an exceptional group of peers and professors. It not only widens your perspective but shapes your attitude and personality. Furthermore, your prospects of post-graduation career opportunities after receiving a degree from an international university will not only flourish but provide an outstanding return on the investment made. Besides the opportunity to access the best-in-class research facilities and a holistic education framework, you’ll also have a global network of friends. Being on an international campus will be as much exciting as it would be educational.

When should I start with the process?

The sooner you start the better you can plan and organise. Ideally, preparing 3-4 years in advance of your college application will give you sufficient time for thorough research, doing your homework, building the appropriate profile, arranging your finances, and collating all the relevant information prior to application deadlines.

How do I arrange for financial aid?

There are several resource pools you can tap into. Here’s a list of them:

  • Personal funding: The best and easy solution is to seek financial support from family and close acquaintances.
  • University Aid: You can apply for scholarship and aid from your respective university as universities extend financial help in two categories:
    • Merit based- which is awarded based on special skills, talents, or abilities.
    • Need based- which is granted based on financial need.
  • Bank Loans: Several banks provide education loans. However, the rate of interest varies across banks. Approach your bank as well as a few others to compare the rate of interest, then settle for the most suitable option.
  • External Agencies: Many non-governmental and international organisations sponsor students for studying abroad.
  • Work-Study: Students can apply for this program that allows them to work on campus as tutors, research assistant, or be hired for desk jobs in the library or administrative office.

What do colleges look for in applicants?

The international education system concentrates on a holistic approach. Hence, universities do not gauge a candidate only on academic grades but on other significant capabilities as well. Academic feats, leadership skills, relevant internships, extracurricular and community impact and resilience to stride ahead in unfavourable circumstances are some of the areas that universities consider in a candidate.

Which college would be the best match for me?

On your college hunt, do not go by rankings alone as it’s only one point of reference. You need to glean details about location and the schools that you are aiming for from authentic sources, and probe into the criteria stipulated by each. Remember each country, university and department upholds different principles, curriculum and admission prerequisites. Some important to dos:

  • Look through college websites
  • Seek opinions of alumni, current students and professors
  • Visit college fairs in your city
  • Take a tour of the shortlisted colleges if possible.

Besides consulting your notes on the various parameters, do not forget to ask whether you have the standardized test scores, academic background, work history and profile to get into this school and whether the college meet your criteria.

What are the standard application requirements?

Generally, the standard application requirements are: a) Application Form b) Application Fees c) Letter(s) of Recommendation(s) d) Essay(s) or Statement of Purpose e) Resume f) Standardized test results g) English proficiency results h) Transcripts.

Do I apply to multiple colleges?

In most geographies, there are no restrictions on the number of colleges you can apply to. However, we would like to recommend that you confine your choice to 6-10 universities through effective college selection based on the location and course. Moreover, ensure that you have a range that includes:

  • A Reach School is one where your profile and credentials may fall below the school’s range for the average student.
  • A Target or Match School is one in which your credentials and profile fall well within the school’s range for the average student.
  • A Safety School includes any university where your credentials and profile fall above the school’s range for the average student.

What kind of problems do candidates face when applying for study abroad?

There are three common problems that students face:

  • Major / Degree Selection. There are too many options to choose from, hence students get confused about finalising on the subject, degree and program.
  • Eligibility Requirements. Though students might decide on their chosen subject, they are still not certain about the eligibility criteria like what standardized tests they need to take and what score would get them through.
  • College Selection. The process of combing through colleges for the best fit is overwhelming and taxing because of the range of options.

You should leave no stone unturned in your preparation. Once your study abroad advisor clarifies all your doubts, answers each one of your queries and presents a lucid picture of what you need to do, you’ll feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of studying abroad. All the best for a smooth sail to your desired study destination!


ReachIvy is a premium education and career advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top tier educational institutions globally. We have successful admits at MIT, Columbia, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics, University of Michigan, Oxford, University of Chicago amongst others.

Vibha Kagzi, Founder and CEO, ReachIvy, holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

Our global team of counsellors have also acquired their degrees from premier institutes and are passionate about sharing their experiences with students worldwide.