
Why should parents consider the option of studying abroad for their kids?
Why should parents consider the option of studying abroad for their kids?

As a parent, you understand your child like nobody else. You hand hold your little one to know the world and to try out new things. When you are there, your child feels confident, fearless and enthusiastic. In every step of our life, we look up to our parents and their nod of approval boosts us with an extra dose of motivation. Study abroad is a crucial journey and your involvement would help your child stay positive and make the right decision. Here’s why exploring study abroad options for students should be considered by parents:

Your child will gain a holistic education: Study abroad offers great learning experiences through a holistic education system. Your child will get abundant opportunities to explore his/her academic interests through research, peer collaboration, interactive lectures, excursions, field trip and much more. Education abroad is not limited to textbooks alone or measured through academic achievements. Students are also evaluated on their talent, skills, and desire to excel. Universities provide a host of extracurricular programs and have a large number of clubs to nurture students’ interests and hobbies. Your child will acquire a well-rounded personality, and in-depth knowledge to succeed in any field.

Your child will experience world class infrastructure and facilities: Universities abroad are highly equipped to pave way for extensive research work. Harvard, Stanford, MIT, for example, boast of their enormous contribution to the field of scientific research and advanced technological studies. Students from all levels are encouraged to participate in research programs. Your child will not only have the chance to explore specialized knowledge domains but also work side by side with scholars and industry experts. The multiple campuses, sprawling establishments, and facilities allow students to pursue their studies from undergraduate to post-doctorate levels.

Your child will be taught by renowned faculty: Your child will attend classes of eminent scientists and scholars, celebrity writers, entrepreneurs and the likes. They’ll not only enlighten him/her about the subject but share words of wisdom that they have gathered through experience. Their knowledge, charisma and down-to-earth personality will leave your child with food for thought and an innate desire to be like them. Besides their impactful presence, they are also expert instructors who’ve mastered the art of teaching and facilitating group activities. Just as their lectures would be transcending, the class activities would be a fun way to implement those concepts and try their usefulness. The stellar faculty is a definitive reason to consider study abroad for your child. He/she will learn from the best.

Your child will learn to be independent: As a parent, you want your child to become a confident and matured individual who can tackle any situation and overcome any barrier, yet your protective instincts bar him/her from doing things his/her way. Study abroad is the perfect alternative to train your child to acquire independence, gain life skills and shape his/her personality. He/she will be surrounded by peers from across the world who’ll motivate him/her to be focused, decisive and outcome driven. Children, by being on their own, learn the skill to balance studies with household chores, and eventually develop great managerial qualities from planning to executing. Rest assured, your child will turn out like you’ve dreamt.

Your child will learn to appreciate diversity and respect his/her own identity: Only when we are away from home, we understand its importance. Your child on this educational journey will experience different cultures and learn about new beliefs and practices. It’ll be an eye-opening experience for your child when he/she will understand the relevance of social conventions and customs. Not only he/she will start appreciating different viewpoints but also grow immense respect for and allegiance to his/her own traditions and values.

Your child will have cutting edge career prospects: Firstly, studying abroad will furnish your child with job specific skills like organizational abilities, time management, collaborative skills, communications skills and much more. Secondly, universities provide exclusive internship opportunities to hone students’ concepts and understanding through real-world problem-solving. Moreover, your child will be interacting with industry professionals and gain a tremendous amount of experience through this exposure. If an intern’s performance is outstanding, firms offer them job positions or recommend them to other organizations. Thirdly, employers across the world are keen on absorbing candidates who have global exposure and know how to work in a multi-cultural team spread across all geography. Your child will have a resume to set him/her apart from others.

Your child will know people across the globe: People take years to build their professional identity, at home as well as internationally. By studying abroad, your child will have a wide international network. Study abroad encourages you to collaborate with peers, professors, go for field trips, converse with locals, gather authentic knowledge, be actively involved in clubs and extracurricular, go for exchange programs and an n-number of other engagements. These activities allow you to know people, work with them and sometimes make life-long friends. Study abroad will place your child in a larger world and render him the chance to connect with diverse individuals. His/her contacts are invaluable resources for career development as well as personal growth.

Study abroad must be considered as an amazing learning opportunity that most alumni and current students will vouch for. Be positive, and prepare your child to avail of the riches that study abroad has in store.


ReachIvy is a premium education and career advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top tier educational institutions globally. We have successful admits at MIT, Columbia, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, London School of Economics, University of Michigan, Oxford, University of Chicago amongst others.

Vibha Kagzi, Founder and CEO, ReachIvy, holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

Our global team of counsellors have also acquired their degrees from premier institutes and are passionate about sharing their experiences with students worldwide.