
Minerva: A Revolutionary Approach to Global Education


San Francisco, CA 94103
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A global university experience for a stellar career

Are you seeking a rigorous  college education  that will prepare you for  success in our modern world?  Are you eager to  explore, to experience the world up close by living and learning in seven different countries  during college?  Do you  want to be positioned for success in Silicon Valley or elsewhere in the US  upon graduation?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions  Minerva Schools  might be precisely the university experience you are looking for.

Higher Education for the 21st Century . Minerva is a global university program that, in just four years, has reinvented higher education to become one of the most selective institutions in the world.

Meet the Founders . Combining the expertise of former Harvard University dean and renowned learning psychologist, Dr. Stephen M. Kosslyn, and Silicon Valley entrepreneur Ben Nelson, Minerva was designed to rectify the many flaws facing higher education, from unfair admissions practices and rising tuition, to outdated curriculum and ineffective learning techniques. The result is the first liberal arts institution for the 21st century student.

The Minerva Experience:

  • Global immersions  – Minerva students live in seven different cities – San Francisco, London, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Seoul, Hyderabad and Taipei – during their four years of study, for a truly global experience.
  • Innovative learning  – All classes are highly interactive, discussion-based seminars taught using proven instructional methodologies and innovative technology. Check out  our class video  here
  • Practical experience  – Not only will students develop the transferable skills needed to succeed in the modern world, they will have ample opportunities to apply class learnings in real-world contexts, by working on projects and engaging with top organizations in each city.  
  • Personalized, Lifelong Career Support  – Minerva students receive personal coaching, access to publicists and other unprecedented support as students, and throughout their post graduate lives. After just one year at Minerva, students secured internships and research positions at organizations like Apple, Amazon, Airbnb, Uber, IDEO, CalTech, and UCSF.
  • Accessible  – Tuition is $12,500/year – a fraction of the cost of other top tier universities. Minerva offers generous need-based financial aid to ensure all admitted students have the opportunity to attend, regardless of where they come from.

Begin your application today  to take advantage of this unique opportunity! The deadline is March 15th.

Read Minerva’s  worldwide press , visit the  YouTube channel , and join Minerva’s  Facebook community  for updates and an inside look at the unique experience.