Reading Time: < 1 minute

Quantivative comparisons is a unique question type introduced only in the GRE. In QC questions, you will be given two columns, labeled Quantity A and Quantity B. Additional information may also be provided above the two columns. You have to use the information when evaluating the problem. Quantitative Comparison question tests your ability to analyze information and figure out how to quantities compare to each other.

Instructions: Questions of this type ask you to compare two quantities — Quantity A and Quantity B — and then determine which of four statements describes the comparison.
Directions: Compare Quantity A and Quantity B, using additional information centered above the two quantities if such information is given, and select one of the following four answer choices.
A. Quantity A is greater.
B. Quantity B is greater.
C. The two quantities are equal.
D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

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