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#KnowYourCollege – Columbia (CBS)

Reading Time: 2 minutesColumbia Business School (CBS) is the business school of Columbia University in Manhattan, New York City. It was established in 1916 to provide business training and professional preparation for undergraduate and graduate Columbia University students. It is one of six Ivy League business schools, and its admission process is among the most selective of top business schools. Here…

Yale School of Management: Exclusive Interview Insights
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Yale School of Management: Exclusive Interview Insights

Reading Time: 10 minutesName: Melissa Fogerty Designation: Director of Admissions School Name: Yale School of Management 1. Being able to pick the right program is crucial given the number of options available in the market. At ReachIvy, we meet a lot of students who face this decision. Who should ideally be applying for the Yale School of Management MBA…