Top 5 Tips On Getting Into Harvard Business School
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Top 5 Tips On Getting Into Harvard Business School

Reading Time: 3 minutes Harvard Business School offers some of the best, highly-selective and reputed MBA programs in the world. Graduating from such a prestigious institute can help you secure a successful career. But the challenges that come with cracking the admission process are endless, and if you are not a legacy or an athlete, more so. But worry…

Top Summer Programs In Business Schools
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Top Summer Programs In Business Schools

Reading Time: 3 minutes A little exposure to the business world can go a long way in building a strong foundation and accelerating the speed of your success. And what better way to get a glimpse into this world than joining summer programs to satiate your curiosity and make the best use of this hiatus. Many top universities offer…

How to Face University Rejection?
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How to Face University Rejection?

Reading Time: 3 minutes The moment you’ve been waiting for so long has finally come. You open the mail but alas didn’t see the word you were expecting. So many hours put into writing and editing the perfect essay, all gone to waste, you must think. But don’t get disheartened. There’s more to you than going into your dream…

How Do Extracurricular Activities Help Strengthen College Applications?
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How Do Extracurricular Activities Help Strengthen College Applications?

Reading Time: 3 minutes All top schools around the world look for a holistic profile while selecting candidates. Most college applications ask about the activities that you are involved in during your free time, as it shows traits that grades alone are not able to demonstrate. What you do after school, during weekends and over summers tells the college…

Top Summer School Programs for Undergrads
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Top Summer School Programs for Undergrads

Reading Time: 2 minutes Having a hard time deciding on which summer school to go to and what program to choose? Various schools provide summer classes for international students and making a perfect choice can be an arduous task. But worry not! Here’s a compiled list of the top summer classes available for young adults and undergrads who wish…

What’s the Campus Vibe? 4 College Experiences to Gauge Before Studying Abroad
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What’s the Campus Vibe? 4 College Experiences to Gauge Before Studying Abroad

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you heard of the usage ‘campus vibe’? Ever wondered why it is important? Why do students make college visits to try and gauge if they would fit in, in the long term?Campus vibe More simply understood as the campus culture and atmosphere, the campus vibe majorly consists of the students in the college and…

6 Indian Women in Business Who Studied Abroad and Made it Big!
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6 Indian Women in Business Who Studied Abroad and Made it Big!

Reading Time: 4 minutes There is a growing trend of women choosing to study abroad. Why? As companies look for gender diversity within their workforce, and women rise to the challenge, many women have managed to climb the rungs with the help of professional expertise and top class education. Here are 5 Indian women in business, who began their…

Career in Data Science: 5 Tips for Students
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Career in Data Science: 5 Tips for Students

Reading Time: 3 minutes “Data is everywhere” is a modern business place version of the otherwise religious phrase, “God is everywhere”. At the rate that data is growing, it is predicted that by 2020, the accumulated volume of big data will increase from 4.4 zettabytes to 44 zettabytes – about tenfold. With these numbers and a healthy growth rate,…