Career in Data Science: 5 Tips for Students
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Career in Data Science: 5 Tips for Students

Reading Time: 3 minutes“Data is everywhere” is a modern business place version of the otherwise religious phrase, “God is everywhere”. At the rate that data is growing, it is predicted that by 2020, the accumulated volume of big data will increase from 4.4 zettabytes to 44 zettabytes – about tenfold. With these numbers and a healthy growth rate,…

4 Social Etiquette Differences You MUST Know

4 Social Etiquette Differences You MUST Know

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhy is region-specific social etiquette important for Indians – or anyone for that matter – abroad? Ever heard the story of Goldilocks? If you have, it is only natural to feel that her manner of rummaging through a (perfectly normal) bear family’s house was an unsavoury act. Yet, as hard as we may try, the…

5 Ways How the Right Career Counseling Can Boost Your Career

5 Ways How the Right Career Counseling Can Boost Your Career

Reading Time: 2 minutesWith the vast array of career decisions to be made by students and professionals alike, career counseling assists you in making the right choice by providing you proper guidance. However, this isn’t only that special uncle you go to when you need life advice – it offers several benefits other than just helping you make…

Changing Your Career? 5 Things You Can Do to Succeed

Changing Your Career? 5 Things You Can Do to Succeed

Reading Time: 3 minutesChanging careers is a bold decision to take up, and one that must be tackled with a calculated approach that answers crucial questions. This can be due to several reasons – maybe your current job has run its course in your interests and is merely a rut now or is a vortex of unfulfillment that…

5 Tips to Overcome Homesickness While Studying Abroad
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5 Tips to Overcome Homesickness While Studying Abroad

Reading Time: 3 minutesStudying abroad is one of the most exciting opportunities you will come across in your lifetime, and if tapped correctly can change you in ways that nothing else could ever have. However, the challenges one faces as they are settling in at their new University or College is also quite a real thing. If not…

5 Cool Ideas to Pick Summer Internships That Make You Job Ready
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5 Cool Ideas to Pick Summer Internships That Make You Job Ready

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn the past decade, internships have grown to occupy a rather important place on a student and fresh graduate’s resume. What warrants this importance that internships have come to hold on your study abroad and professional resume over the past decade is simply this – having interned, you have been exposed to the ground reality…

Double Master’s or Ph.D.? 3 Questions to Help you Choose Your Career Path

Double Master’s or Ph.D.? 3 Questions to Help you Choose Your Career Path

Reading Time: 3 minutesDouble Master’s or P.h.D.? – the question looms over you and you cannot come to a solid decision. This postgraduate choice might just be the most important you have made in your life, and you just do not know. Truth be told, a lot of decisions about your higher education comes down to two things…

How to tackle tricky questions in your college admissions form

How to tackle tricky questions in your college admissions form

Reading Time: 3 minutesLet’s not kid ourselves. Nobody is born a superstar. Despite the fact that destiny plays a big role in life, failure is inevitable in everyone’s life at least once. You may have a small setback such as losing your rank in the third consecutive year of high performance. Or you may have a much greater…

Life at Babson College: Manan Bhandari’s Olin Graduate School Experience
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Life at Babson College: Manan Bhandari’s Olin Graduate School Experience

Reading Time: 3 minutesName: Manan Bhandari Designation: MBA Candidate, Class of 2020 School Name: F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business, Babson College Date: 11/05/2018 Please provide a short description of yourself. What you do, your special interests and life goals. We may use this information to add as a byline to the article or post. Currently an MBA…