5 Ways to Make the Best Use of Your Gap Year Before College
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5 Ways to Make the Best Use of Your Gap Year Before College

Reading Time: 3 minutes The ‘gap year’ is a concept that has been gaining popularity rapidly over the past few years. It may sound complicated but all it means is that you’ve completed your Junior College (High School) and are unsure of what course you wish to take up thereafter. In order to sort things out in your head,…

All About Ivy League Colleges and Why Indian Students Should Aim for Them
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All About Ivy League Colleges and Why Indian Students Should Aim for Them

Reading Time: 2 minutes Ivy League Colleges   When compiling a list of top universities for studying abroad, the Ivy League schools inevitably feature prominently. Indeed, an Ivy League degree, whether in India or elsewhere, has become synonymous with academic excellence and intellectual resilience. Despite the widespread recognition of these institutions among Indian and international students aspiring to study…

Top 6 MBA-Founded Start-ups to Watch Out For
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Top 6 MBA-Founded Start-ups to Watch Out For

Reading Time: 3 minutes What do you think of when you hear the term, ‘start-ups’? A tiny company looking to dish out ripple over ripple of disruption in an industry? Does it mean an ideal workplace? Does it mean risk?Start ups Whatever it means to you, to these entrepreneurs and MBA graduates from top business schools, the ‘start-up’ is…

Top 3 Tech Tips to Boost Your Career
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Top 3 Tech Tips to Boost Your Career

Reading Time: 3 minutes While you’re on the couch, bingeing on Family Guy, texting your friend about your weekend plans, in a fully air-conditioned room, you barely notice how deeply technology has penetrated and made life easier. Imagine what you’d be doing without these – probably just sitting in or attempting this long-distance conversation in person.tech tips Considering the…

Meet Our Counsellors: Kovid Gupta
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Meet Our Counsellors: Kovid Gupta

Reading Time: 4 minutes Ever wondered what it feels like to study at a top university abroad? At ReachIvy, all our counsellors and editors are from top international universities and have experienced this first-hand. Our blog series “Meet Our Counsellors” ropes in some of them in the midst of a decorous career and lets you in on their authentic…

Career Planning – A Preliminary Guide for Students

Career Planning – A Preliminary Guide for Students

Reading Time: 3 minutes For those ambitious little peas that wish to be their stalk someday, career planning is some important fertilizer. It is not as confusing as it may seem at first. If anything, career planning can be a highly satisfying personal project to undertake. What’s more, this simple task you undertake today will yield benefits over many…

10 Famous Indian Personalities That Have Studied Abroad

10 Famous Indian Personalities That Have Studied Abroad

Reading Time: 4 minutes The study abroad trends in India is not new – it has been a practice since around the colonial era and has been increasing in popularity ever since. India is slowly growing towards the milestone of being the country with the highest number of outbound candidates, with the number crossing 300,000. Among these have also…

Insider’s View on Organising Multi-Crore Festivals

Insider’s View on Organising Multi-Crore Festivals

Reading Time: 3 minutes Festival ˈfɛstɪv(ə)l/ Noun 1.Something you don’t associate with ‘nerds’. 2.The heart and soul of IITians, and a legacy to protect I am a student of graduating batch of 2019 at IIT Kanpur. A general perception is that IITians are a bunch of nerds who stay glued to their books or laptops. Whenever we meet our…

What Study Abroad Courses Can You Pursue After Your 12th Arts

What Study Abroad Courses Can You Pursue After Your 12th Arts

Reading Time: 3 minutes Completing the 12th Arts program leaves one in a difficult spot, with sundry undergraduate programs and courses to pick from. Given the number of specializations that come under the umbrella of Arts and Humanities, choosing the right program for you to kick-start your study abroad goal may prove a challenge. Too many, choices, too little…