
Mistakes to avoid on your study abroad applications

Reading Time: 4 minutesNothing can be as stressful as a blank application form with a myriad instructions, details, and documentation. Add to that the stress of creating a winner application makes the whole process look daunting. By now, you may already be familiar with all that’s expected of you in filling out your application form. But do you…

RJ Salil and RJ Archana Talk to ReachIvy on How to Plan Your Child’s Study Abroad
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RJ Salil and RJ Archana Talk to ReachIvy on How to Plan Your Child’s Study Abroad

Reading Time: 3 minutesAugust is the busy month for foreign college applications. Foreign universities have two main admission terms: The Fall and the Spring. If your child is applying for higher studies in the fall term (that runs from mid-August to mid-December), you will need to begin the college application process a year in advance.Planning Study Abroad Radio…


10 Study Abroad Application Hacks for Every Student

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe process of filling out application forms for international education can be quite overwhelming. Especially if you are new to the whole process. There is a host of documentation work that will need your attention. In addition, you may need to accomplish certain tasks or activities to boost your chances of getting an admit in…

Foreign & Indian University Collaborations: A New Era of Education
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Foreign & Indian University Collaborations: A New Era of Education

Reading Time: 4 minutesIt takes two to tango. When the Ministry of HRD opened the floodgates to allow collaboration of Indian universities with foreign institutions, many universities took this opportunity to synergize their curriculum with leading institutions abroad. The carrot? Many Indian students who were looking for a global experience, but could not afford the expensive fees of…


Things To Consider When Taking An International Loan: Hidden Cost Of Currency Depreciation

Reading Time: 3 minutesIt is a great time to be pursuing higher studies. With the increase in the number of lenders in the market, it is becoming easier to finance one’s higher studies. However, comparing different loan offers is not easy due to the variations in the way interest rates are calculated, processing fees, and other fees. It…


Six Reasons Why A Short-Term Study-Abroad Course Is A Must For You

Reading Time: 3 minutesStudying abroad is no longer considered a fanciful idea that can be afforded only by the elite. In today’s increasingly flat world it’s important to be well versed in global dynamics. Consider this statistic. According to a survey conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, almost 4.5 million tertiary students are choosing to…

Personal, Academic & Career Benefits of Studying Abroad
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Personal, Academic & Career Benefits of Studying Abroad

Reading Time: 3 minutesYou may wonder why so many covet an education abroad. Is an international degree worth the huge investment of time (link scholarship), money, and effort? We talked to over 100 ReachIvy students who have graduated from reputed foreign institutions. Here are 10 personal, academic and career benefits they have gained from an international study program:studying…


Dealing with Exam Result Anxiety: Tips for Parents

Reading Time: 3 minutesYou are out with friends talking about sports, the latest fashion trends and TV shows when suddenly it hits you that exam results are on the horizon. Your happiness turns into anxiety and you just want to head back home. Waiting for exam results can be nerve-wracking. It’s normal to feel stressed, however, don’t let…

How To Ensure Your Child Is Safe When Studying Overseas?

How To Ensure Your Child Is Safe When Studying Overseas?

Reading Time: 3 minutesYour child is about to leave home and head for another country to fulfil his/her dreams of studying abroad. Even though you know that it’s an opportunity that would furnish him/her with a lifetime of learning and amazing prospects, you are worried. It’s natural, as your child would be beyond your immediate reach should he/she…