What’s the Campus Vibe? 4 College Experiences to Gauge Before Studying Abroad
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What’s the Campus Vibe? 4 College Experiences to Gauge Before Studying Abroad

Reading Time: 3 minutesHave you heard of the usage ‘campus vibe’? Ever wondered why it is important? Why do students make college visits to try and gauge if they would fit in, in the long term?Campus vibe More simply understood as the campus culture and atmosphere, the campus vibe majorly consists of the students in the college and…

How College Visits Can Have A Maximizing Impact

How College Visits Can Have A Maximizing Impact

Reading Time: 3 minutesWith college admission deadlines around the corner, some of you are packing your bags and getting ready to visit your colleges abroad. Even though it’s not necessary to visit the universities before you apply, it does help with your decision process. Visiting the campus will give you a real sense of the atmosphere, the academic…