Top 5 MBA Myths Students Fall for Every Year

Top 5 MBA Myths Students Fall for Every Year

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe MBA is one of the most sought after postgraduate professional programs among both – experienced professionals and fresh graduates alike. However, with this popularity, there also comes a series of myths associated with earning an MBA. Most of these do not merely surround the enigma that top B-School admissions are made out to be,…

Top 6 MBA-Founded Start-ups to Watch Out For
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Top 6 MBA-Founded Start-ups to Watch Out For

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhat do you think of when you hear the term, ‘start-ups’? A tiny company looking to dish out ripple over ripple of disruption in an industry? Does it mean an ideal workplace? Does it mean risk?Start ups Whatever it means to you, to these entrepreneurs and MBA graduates from top business schools, the ‘start-up’ is…

Career Planning – A Preliminary Guide for Students

Career Planning – A Preliminary Guide for Students

Reading Time: 3 minutesFor those ambitious little peas that wish to be their stalk someday, career planning is some important fertilizer. It is not as confusing as it may seem at first. If anything, career planning can be a highly satisfying personal project to undertake. What’s more, this simple task you undertake today will yield benefits over many…

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Story of an International Student at McCombs School of Business

Reading Time: 3 minutesStudying at one of the top MBA programs on the other side of the world seemed like an impossible dream to me. Yet, here I am, at McCombs, one of the best MBA programs that I could have possibly asked for. My Life as a Student at McCombs Often, we feel that we have limited…

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“Am I Too Late to Study Abroad?” Plan Your Foreign Studies

Reading Time: 5 minutesWhen is the right time to planning for my study abroad program?” “Am I too late or too early?” “What do I need to do now so that I can leverage my potential to get into my coveted college?” As career counsellors, we are often asked these questions by eager parents and students. In India,…

How to choose to right college when pursuing education abroad
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How to choose to right college when pursuing education abroad

Reading Time: 3 minutesSome students may have a very clear idea on what they want to study or where they’d like to go for their higher studies. But if the wide variety of choices of programs and destinations confuse you, and you are unable to pick the right one, Here is a 5 point plan to keep in…

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Hacking the MBA Program at Cornell Tech

Reading Time: 6 minutesHave you ever wondered what it must be like within the hallowed halls of an Ivy League business school? Did you ask yourself at some point whether it makes sense to try for higher studies abroad? Sitting here in India, it is difficult to visualize how life will be on the campus of a foreign…


Mistakes to avoid on your study abroad applications

Reading Time: 4 minutesNothing can be as stressful as a blank application form with a myriad instructions, details, and documentation. Add to that the stress of creating a winner application makes the whole process look daunting. By now, you may already be familiar with all that’s expected of you in filling out your application form. But do you…

How Can I Gain More Experience While I am Studying?

Reading Time: 4 minutesWhat is the best part about being a student? You can dream, and work towards achieving your dreams. As someone said, ‘Do something today that your future self will thank you for’. Student life must be filled with enriching learning experiences that would prepare you for future success. While academics form the foundation path, you…