
How to use your social media persona to enter your dream college

Reading Time: 3 minutesCan your social media presence affect your admission to a top global university? The answer, in short, is yes. Your offline presence may be fabulous. However, in a world that is connected 24X7, what you do online matters tremendously. Applicants believe that furnishing a strong application and doing well in the admissions interview is all…


Can Social Media Presence Affect University Admissions?

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe answer, in short, is YES. Admissions officers today are looking at your social media presence across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram for many different reasons: 1. To get a sense of who you are as a person, and to ensure that your application matches who you are. Your social media and blog posts reflect…

How to Write an Effective Resume: 5 Key Tips
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How to Write an Effective Resume: 5 Key Tips

Reading Time: 3 minutesResumes are an important part of applications- be it a student aspiring to get into his/ her dream college or a professional seeking employment. Think of the resume as a snapshot – not only of your professional accomplishments but your academic, personal and community ones as well . It’s an opportunity to showcase how strong…

How Your Social Media Presence Impacts College & Job Applications
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How Your Social Media Presence Impacts College & Job Applications

Reading Time: 3 minutesAre you aware of how critical your social media presence is in enhancing your candidature for college applications? Your offline presence may be fabulous. However, in a world that is connected 24×7, what you do online matters tremendously. However, applicants believe that furnishing a strong application and doing well in the admissions interview is all…