4 Social Etiquette Differences You MUST Know

4 Social Etiquette Differences You MUST Know

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhy is region-specific social etiquette important for Indians – or anyone for that matter – abroad? Ever heard the story of Goldilocks? If you have, it is only natural to feel that her manner of rummaging through a (perfectly normal) bear family’s house was an unsavoury act. Yet, as hard as we may try, the…

How To Choose A Mentor When Applying For A Study Abroad Program
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How To Choose A Mentor When Applying For A Study Abroad Program

Reading Time: 3 minutes“Applying for Study Abroad programs is a nightmare! Not only is the application process an uphill battle, but it is extremely difficult to find trustworthy advice. I have spoken to many consultants that provide help while filling out my applications, and I have realized that many of them are ready to offer biased information based…