5 Cool Ideas to Pick Summer Internships That Make You Job Ready
In the past decade, internships have grown to occupy a rather important place on a student and fresh graduate’s resume. What warrants this importance that internships have come to hold on your study abroad and professional resume over the past decade is simply this – having interned, you have been exposed to the ground reality of the modern workspace and the dynamics that drive it. However, the benefits of interning don’t just stop at making you a more lucrative candidate, but instead builds up to it as various factors come into play.
Here are some of the most important ways a summer internship might help you out:
- 1. Apply Classroom Learnings to a Real WorkplaceTheoretical knowledge is great, but what about its application in the workplace? Interning allows you to apply the knowledge you gathered over hours and hours of sitting through lectures in a space that demands it. This way, you can showcase that your knowledge in your field of interest is not merely theoretical but can hold its own in the real world as well – an essential quality to display on the application of any university you apply to.
- 2. Work ExperienceThe internship experience is not just any kind of work experience – it involves learning to a level that is unmatched at any other point in your career. Also, considering that 85% of the total companies hiring interns are start-ups and SMEs, the responsibilities and work opportunities within the organisation may also be vast and varied.
- 3. Networking in Relevant FieldsThe relevance of your network to the field you are working in or are going to work in in the future is also extremely important for you. When you take up an internship in a field that you’re interested in, you meet people from other profiles and portfolios in the same field, thus allowing you to understand what it really entails.
- 4. A Foot in the Door for A Full-Time JobAn internship might also sometimes come with a PPO (Pre-Placement Offer), where if you prove yourself a valuable intern to the company, you stand to be hired as a full-time employee, having proven yourself on the playing field.
- 5. Explore, Work, ReflectThese three processes are essential for any student or fresh graduate looking to find, or build a career, or even apply to universities abroad. Internships are a great way to explore careers, work in a field that you are interested in and reflect on whether it really is right for you. This experience can go a long way in helping you choose even your coursework at the university of your choice and build on that in the future.As one can see, apart from the weight it holds on your CV, a summer internship also entails massive scope for self-improvement in terms of being a stepping stone to building a successful career. The hands-on knowledge, the opportunity to try a career and network is a benefit that’s of extreme importance in this day and age.