5 Reasons to Build your Network and Shrink the Universe

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build your network

Networking is a skill that does not come naturally to everyone; people approach it with a variety of attitudes and notions. Some think of networking as manipulative or too superficial. Others are simply shy. In today’s dynamic universe where it is impossible for an individual to keep up with everything, it is imperative to build a network of your own. Building a relationship based on trust and understanding is the cornerstone of developing a roster of valuable contacts who could potentially be your clients, business partners, employers, colleagues, and even friends in the future. The strong connections made, can open numerous hidden doors which would not have been possible otherwise.

Top 5 reasons to build your network:


1) Cultivate points of contact

If you just launched your start-up, your first and biggest milestone is your first customer; he could be just ‘one person away’. Your level one connection could potentially lead you to the right angel investor or supplier too. If you are looking to do something out of the box or want to join hands with a local startup that does not visit your campus, then the network you build is your only way in. A strong network also means easy access to quality co-founders and early employees. Remember, your campus will only give you access to your immediate peers, that too for a limited period. Thereafter, you are on your own.

2) Step out of your comfort zone

To build your network requires you to do things that you might not do instinctively or naturally such as, talk to the person riding in the elevator or strike a conversation with a stranger on the train. Loosen up, open your mind to new ideas and do things that are seemingly out of the ordinary for you. It is good to challenge yourself periodically. You will see a steep upward climb in your learning curve that will stay with you forever. You only need to take the first step forward.

3) Learn from varied perspectives

Meet different people from various backgrounds to broaden your horizon and further your skill set. You are not a superhuman; you cannot possibly learn everything worth knowing yourself. Harness the power of collective learning. Peer through the lens of other people. People are your best source of information. Be a sponge and absorb.

4) Find quick solutions

A recent study mentioned that the 6 degrees of separation has now gone to 5 degrees. You are that much closer to solving a looming problem through a connection. The power of networks allows you to find experts in areas that might not be of your core interest but they might be in the purview of someone you know well. What may be an amateurish skill set for you will be someone else’s forte. Exercise that option and you will find that the job gets done quicker, more precisely and with increased efficiency leaving you with your optimum solution.

5) Hone your human instincts

‘Follow your instinct’ is a phrase no one is alien to. The most basic human instinct is to form bonds whether it is with family or friends. People possess an innate quality to connect with others and build networks. This has been proven over the centuries. As emotional creatures, we are naturally predisposed to building bonds. Consent to it. Allow yourself to be swept in a natural tide. Don’t fight it.

Step out. Go meet!

This article has been written by Vibha Kagzi.

Vibha is the CEO and Founder of ReachIvy, a boutique educational advisory that helps aspiring students get accepted into top-ranked educational institutions globally.

Vibha holds an MBA from the Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University. She has also pursued courses at the University of California, Berkeley, the London School of Economics and the Indian School of Business.

ReachIvy offers college application resume writing services to aspiring students willing to study abroad.

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