Importance of Parent Counselling

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Parent Counselling

Being a parent is a full-time occupation. We are constantly making decisions for our children right from what food to eat to what school to attend, what hobbies to horne etc.
It is your responsibility to help your child develop social skills, life skills, and appropriate behavior. Parents need to inculcate the right values and chalk the right career path for their children in the early stages of their life.

As parents, we always act in the best interests of our children. While making the little decisions for your child are easy its the big ones that often have us contemplating if we are taking the right step. Education is one such aspect. With multiple choices available to your children, deciding with your child on what is best for them is a key challenge.

To avoid confusion parents seek help from a professional or study abroad/career counselors. These counselors help the parents understand the child’s interest and how can channelize the child’s interest and create pathways to help them reach their end goals. Studying abroad is a crucial journey and your involvement as a parent would help your child stay positive and make the right decision. But there is always one question that arises most of the time, what are the benefits of parent counselling and how it’s important?

1. Getting your child Ivy League ready
To make sure your child’s application to his/her dream college is accepted, encourage and inspire them to get high scores. To reach Ivy League standards, academics need to be high throughout a student’s academic career, especially through high school. Another important point is to push your child to take up a few extracurricular activities and excel in them, as many colleges today look for a holistic profile amongst candidates.

2. Motivate your child to study abroad

Even though your kids are in school, keep talking about the possibility of them studying abroad in the future. When your on vacation, talk about how one day, they might travel to study abroad. Discuss with them all the top universities so that they have a dream school in their mind. Learning different languages also helps them indirectly to build on their profiles.

3. Choose the best school/university for your child
Study abroad counselors will analyze your child’s profile and tell you which universities are right for them. If you have any specific university in mind, they can help you build your profile to tailor your requirements accordingly. Parent counselling will help you get an idea about which colleges you should aim for and how to go about it.

4. Help to manage parental anxiety
Every parent wants their child to be happy and successful but amongst all these expectations, there is a fear and concern when the child decides to do abroad. They have innumerable concerns regarding overseas education, starting from the exorbitant fees, new country, and safety, etc. To manage all these concerns, parent counseling is the key. The counselors’ have experience in dealing with such matters and are there to help you manage this stress/fear.

5. Let your child know you with them in this journey
Every child looks up to their parents as their first role model and friend. Letting them know that you are supportive of their choices, correcting them, leading the right way is the most important you are there to catch them if need be. For that, you need to be prepared your self and Parental counselling is the best way you help your child through the journey.

Are you finding it hard to keep up with your child’s educational and career aspirations? Don’t know whom to believe when you need reliable information? Reach out to us today!

At, we have a Parent Counselling service for every parent who wants the best for their child! Our counselors from Harvard, Cornell, Cambridge, and other top schools will give you personalized feedback along with a guided roadmap that will help you in navigating your child’s future without any hassle!
If you need guidance, Reach out to us today at

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