London Business School to Reopen Campus in 2024

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives, taken over dinnertime conversations and made our future unpredictable. If you are aspiring to study abroad this Fall, you have probably been keeping your eyes and ear out for updates from the colleges. Ever since the pandemic hit, schools have been working on setting up a plan for the incoming batch. Amid speculation and uncertainty, London Business School has revealed its plans for the September intake. While this is some relief in a time of crisis, you must also formulate a plan for your next steps.

What has London Business School announced?
London Business School has announced that it will reopen campus in the first week of September and that online classes will be the medium of instruction for some time. In-person teaching will begin in the second half of September, which will contribute to creating a hybrid teaching model. The school is considerate of international students who may be unable to join the campus by allowing remote access via online classes.

Many other schools in Europe may follow suit as hinted by a similar announcement by the Judge School of Business at Cambridge. In our recent webinar with Singapore Management Univerisity, the college revealed its plans to resume campus instruction following necessary approvals from the government. Overall, this news is a ray of hope for many students aspiring to study abroad this year.

What is a hybrid teaching model?
The hybrid form of instruction combines in-person teaching with online classes. To combat the difficulties which the pandemic has created, many colleges may leverage the digital infrastructure. The concept that has emerged complies with the norms of social distancing for the safety to faculty and students alike without compromising on education.

This announcement from London Business School has come amidst similar plans released by top American colleges like UPenn’s Wharton School and the Columbia Business School.

Even in times of crisis, the top global colleges are committed to preserving their outstanding legacy. They have been at the forefront of education for years. These are trying times, but the colleges are up for the challenge. The question that remains- are you willing to face this challenge as well?

If you need further guidance tackling your study abroad application, reach out to us today.

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