Early Action vs. Early Decision: What You Need to Know

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Reading Time: 3 minutes
Have you always been someone who loves to complete their tasks beforehand? Or have you at least enjoyed the feeling of completing your to-do list for the day? Most of us do love the satisfaction that comes with handling the to-do list or answering emails ahead of the schedule. In the same way, during our schooling years teachers, parents and mentors usually motivate their children to complete their assignments as well as prep their clothes and shoes for the next day of school the night before.

Similarly, early action allows aspiring undergraduate students to apply to their best, schools sooner than standard candidates. By applying to colleges through early action, students get their admission decisions earlier than they would under their ordinary choice. This article will cover all that you need to know about early action and its benefits.

1.What is early action?

Early action allows students to gain apply to multiple schools much earlier than the regular candidates. By applying through early action students get their decision comparatively earlier than the regular applicants. While the timeline varies, most colleges set an early November deadline for the early action and send out decisions around mid-December. Through this, if students receive an acceptance offer from their colleges they are not obliged to respond to the college earlier than May 1st. Till then you will also receive a response from your other colleges and then you can compare the offer letters and decide which college would you wish to go to. But if you don’t get a positive response, then your application will be pushed into the regular candidate pool to be reviewed again.

Thus, as an early action applicant, you can not only get to hear from your universities quite early, but also can apply to multiple colleges depending on the university. However, some universities, namely, Harvard, Yale, and Stanford have restrictive early applied policies. If you’re applying through early action, then you have time till only early November, that is anywhere between 1st to the 15th of November to build your profile, gather all your documents, letter of recommendations, and transcripts as well as craft your essay and personal statements. Early action can be a good choice if you are prepared and have researched about your universities and have a list of the colleges you have selected.

A general principle to decide if you want to choose early action is to check if you are organized, have a strong profile, and have your list of colleges and applications ready. Thus, you need to understand that more than applying early is to know if you have a holistic profile and the best application to get the admit you deserve.

2.What are the benefits of applying through early action?
For a student who has already selected his or her college or has a definite dream college that he or she aspires to go to, then applying through early action can have many benefits.

1.Simpler Application Process
If a student is applying through early action, then they will either have one definite college or a few selected colleges which in turn mean lesser applications and essays to work on.

2.Quicker Response
The results for early applications are usually given to students by mid-December, this reduces a lot of stress that students usually go through while waiting for the decision of the admissions committee. It is also beneficial for students who have a set dream college that they wish to go to and hearing back sooner from their dream institution will be considerably beneficial.

3.Saving time
Applying through early action saves a lot of time for the students in three different ways,

a. Students gain more time to look around for accommodation options as well as financial aid options

b. As the results of early actions are given by mid-December to February students have plenty of time to prepare themselves for their new year at college in September.

c. If students do not get accepted by their colleges, they can reassess their applications and apply to other colleges.

As early action is nonbinding and enables you to apply to multiple colleges and you receive your decision comparatively earlier, it is quite a good option to consider given that you’re prepared with your application and list of colleges.

Here are a few popular colleges offering early action,

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

2.University of Michigan

3.California Institute of Technology

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