Lockdown Diaries Nominee#42 Corona Warriors- Soumyadeep Khan

Death is an intriguing affair,
No one knows what it bears.
We all roam carrying a facade,
Of rich and poor running roughshod.
Now I ponder staring at the star,
What will cease this self-created war.
Whom to blame or be flawed?
This is something hoisted by one’s own petard.
Holding on to a threshold to live and be loved;
Hoping desperately to not be shoved.
It will hurt to stay and see you wither away,
But you won’t be there to save the day.
So, I say… Let’s cherish this time of togetherness;
We never know when we will lose them,
Or they will lose us someday.
Now it’s never the right time to say goodbye,
In the end… We all have to die!
ReachIvy.com organized an online blog/vlog competition to provide people the unique opportunity to share their lockdown stories using their creativity. Soumyadeep Khan beautifully pens down the impact the pandemic has had Death is an intriguing affair, No one knows what it bears. We all roam carrying a facade, Of rich and poor running roughshod. Now I ponder staring at the star, What will cease this self-created war.’
The above entry has been submitted by Soumyadeep Khan from Balarampur, India. He is a 17-year-old student of Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Bokaro. Kudos to Soumyadeep for this beautiful piece!
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