Insider Guide to Admission into Top MBA Programs in Europe
Studying abroad can be quite overwhelming, whether it is to get into a top MBA program or any other postgraduate program. The MBA application, preparation, and examination are comparatively draining, stressful, and time-consuming and still, rejection is quite common.
Do you feel the stress, confusion and just don’t know where to even start? Tired of hearing the standard process of the pre-requisites, essays, and application? is here with some insider tips to help you out,
Start early
Make time for trial and error. If you have chosen to get into an MBA program, you will be devoting two years of your time and energy towards the MBA process.
After you have made your list of top MBA programs, you might be having a million questions and that’s when you network. Use LinkedIn to your advantage, type the name of the program or school and connect with the alumni. Not everyone will respond or connect, but don’t give up.
Train yourself
To crack an MBA application or interview, you need to be able to not only have a vision for the future but be successful in delivering the motivation and eagerness within you. HR usually looks for the perfect match for the job role but here they look for a good fit with a strong vision in mind.
Knowing the deepest Whys
Whether it is to write the MBA essays, ace the interview or know if you are a good fit, you have to be able to know why. While preparing for an MBA program you must have heard, “ tell your story”. It is often difficult to self-introspect and knows what your story is. Once you know the deepest whys, you will be able to deliver a clear narrative with a fantastic application.
“The wise begin with whys”
Communicate your Business Vision
Emphasise your business skills and vision. Most resumes have technical skills and fields one has acquired, however making sure that your resume, application, and essays convey your business skills and vision is key.
Unbiased Observer
Always reason what you state with practical examples and quite often while doing so one either goes overboard or forgets to follow the format. It is helpful to get another opinion from a family member or a friend. Along with this choice, the right consultancy for you would be a wise choice. With this lengthy process and indeed a stressful one, you can employ an admissions consultant to not only ease your process but to go through mock tests, reviews, and full preparation.
Excited to get started? Use our free tools, today to help you build a resume, mock tests, and interviews, and best of all get an in-depth, personalised analysis by our MBA profile auditor.
Get admitted to not only the right MBA program but the top one with ReachIvy’s experts!
You can contact us,, for further assistance or questions, and take advantage of our wide range of services for students on destinations such as Universities in the United Kingdom, study in the United States, study in Canada, study in Singapore, and many other countries. Contact us today!