How to Handle University Rejection & Move Forward
The moment you’ve been waiting for so long has finally come. You open the mail but alas didn’t see the word you were expecting. So many hours put into writing and editing the perfect essay, all gone to waste, you must think. But don’t get disheartened. There’s more to you than going into your dream college. In the words of Henry Ford, “Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently”. Could not be any more accurate.
Here are a few steps on how you can deal with the rejection and get over that terrible feeling you are feeling right now.
- 1. Allow yourself to feel sad
It is only natural to feel disappointed and upset. It’s okay to cry a few times. Don’t keep it bottled down. In fact, crying even feels cathartic. Just remember this is temporary. Don’t let yourself wallow in it for too long.
- 2. Everything’s gonna be okay
Now repeat after me “It’s gonna be alright!”. This is not the end of everything even though it might feel like that at the moment. You are going to be okay. This does not define you, neither is it going to affect the rest of your life.
- 3. Don’t take it personally
Colleges get thousands of applications every year. You are competing with the best of the best. Don’t wonder if there is something wrong with you or your luck. It is the outcome of many complicated factors. Especially in case of top schools with a low acceptance rate, you are looking at a global population trying to get in. These elements are out of your control and there is hardly anything you can do about it.
- 4. Reach out to family or friends
If you are feeling really gloomy and depressed, then seek the help of those closest to you. These can be your family members, friends or colleagues. Talk to someone about how you are feeling and get professional help if needed. Consult school counselors as they must have experience in dealing with these kinds of situations. Reach out and there will definitely be plenty of people to help get you through this.
- 5. Stop wondering what went wrong
Pondering over what went wrong won’t reverse the condition. Instead, focus on what could be done to make it better. There is no point in dwelling on the past. Consider this as an eye-opener and target all your energy towards the future.
- 6. It’s a whole new world out there
There are thousands of colleges that you can apply to. Broaden your horizon. There’s a whole new world out there for you to conquer. There must be a university that would be happy to have you. You just have to figure it out. Believe in yourself and yell ‘I can do it!’ as loud as you can.
- 7. Plan your next move
Finally, plan what you want to do next. What universities do you want to apply to? Do you want to take a gap year? Or apply in some other term? This rejection was merely a stepping stone for you to develop yourself and deliver better results next time. Ask yourself- what is it that you want from a college experience? Think hard about your ideas, motivations, and career. Accordingly, make a list of colleges you would be interested in and put in twice the efforts as last time.
If you need professional help and counseling with studying in top colleges, don’t hesitate to contact us at