Balancing Physical and Mental Health While Studying

While college may be an exciting time for many people, it can also bring challenges such as social pressures, difficulties attaining work-life balance, imposter syndrome and a lack of sleep. This is particularly prevalent among international students. When they encounter new people, values and life experiences, and college students may feel separated from their support networks at home. All of these changes increase the likelihood of college students having a mental health disorder such as sadness or anxiety. Deadline-related stress might exacerbate pre-existing mental health problems.
Even though the move to college might be challenging, most students eventually acclimatize. Living on your own for the first time does not have to be terrifying. Many crises may be handled if you are prepared, know what procedures to take and where to go or who to call. Here are some things to keep in mind when you are looking after yourself:
1) Get Enough Rest –
There never seems to be enough hours in the day for college students to do all they want, whether it’s going to class, studying, socialising, working, playing sports or participating in extracurricular activities. Sleep is usually the last thing to do in this high-energy environment.
An all-nighter is nearly a badge of pride in college. Nevertheless, in the end, no matter how cool it is or how many more hours you could study if you stayed awake, getting adequate sleep is vital to your health and well-being, not to mention your grades. This is essentially important for international students as their bodies will take time to adapt to the new surroundings. Better sleep hygiene is the most effective approach to enhancing your mind and body.
2) Workout on a regular basis –
Exercise can enhance your overall fitness and help you sleep better. This also helps you deal with stress and lower your chances of developing depression. It also keeps your thinking, learning, and judgement abilities strong as you age. Exercise causes your body to release hormones and other biomolecules that help your brain’s structure and function. Additionally, it makes your bones and muscles stronger.
3) Schedule time for self-care –
At college, it’s easy to forget to take care of oneself. Yet, no matter how busy you are, you must learn to plan time for yourself to do something you enjoy or that calms you. Some people love getting massages, going to the movies or practicing’s a hobby. Others may want to practice yoga or mindfulness
4) Maintain a balanced diet –
One key to good eating is being conscious that, due to irregular study hours and class schedules, you may become hungry at seemingly inconvenient times. Carry nutritious snacks such as carrots, bananas, almonds, dried fruit, and kale chips with you.
College may be an especially stressful period for anyone suffering from eating disorders. This is because dietary restrictions, binge eating, and purging are frequently linked to control and self-esteem. When you’re anxious about school, it’s easy to lose control and feel horrible about yourself.
Another challenge for international students may be locating the necessary ingredients in a new country. When your body is accustomed to a certain type of food, it may take some time to adjust to a new way of life. Thankfully, there are numerous handy retailers located outside of campus that can meet your dietary requirements.
Make an appointment with a dietitian, mental health specialist, or primary care doctor at your student health center if you find you’ve been engaging in harmful patterns of behaviors’, whether new or old.
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