Lockdown Diaries Nominee#7- Lockdown Diaries by Abhinav Ghosh

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

The last few months have been a ‘reset’ button for all of us. For the first time in several decades, has the entire world been driven to a single point of attention – the Coronavirus. Witnessing something like this for the first time in my life, the immediate reaction was to question the current state of society – even though we have made long strides in technology, an invisible virus is wreaking havoc on our lives and restricting us from our human instinct to socialize.
As a few weeks passed and the ‘new normal’ set its horizon, my life has had its series of changes, ones that I would like to name as redefinitions. Staying within the four walls of my room for the longest time ever has taught me more than being outside for 2 decades. Two key lessons which I have learned and will be etched forever in my memory:

Happiness lies in ‘NOW’:
Often, humans live in the glory of the future and work hard to live a life they want to later. This drives their decisions, habits, and sacrifices. The pandemic stalled a lot of dreams and the future images of many were crushed – those getting their first job, someone meeting their family after years, those planning a trip of their lifetime, or a little as going out for a group dinner.
Lockdown has put an end to thoughts of the future as it is filled with uncertainties. I have learned to live the present happily and enjoy it.

Relationships have found their golden time:
A job, college/school are no longer a daily part of common people. All family members at home, people have found newer sides to their relationships. Those discussions which ended with ‘We’ll chat about this sometime when we have time’ are finally happening. Broken ones have found their sparkles, newer ones are finding their revamped definitions of being together. The lockdown has brought us more ‘me’ time.

The lockdown, unlike many others, has been a personal blessing for me. I’ve got time to reflect on myself, break my bad habits, develop good ones, and experiment with so many personal productivity regimes. This is the only time I believe in my life this is happening. Still very struck with the quote “The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.”

Although we all are having a painful time sitting at home, I believe these will be the defining days of what the future of the world will look like. There will be newer ways of simple things we were very
used to do before the pandemic, little things will matter more than ever, and we will find the chaos and rush of our daily lives back again.
The reset was inevitable and had to happen. I hope we all come out of this phase with clearer minds, driven attitude, and a firm commitment towards today rather than just tomorrow.

ReachIvy.com organized an online blog/vlog competition to provide people the unique opportunity to share their lockdown stories using their creativity. Alessio Fino beautifully pens down the impact the pandemic has had on them and how they are learning to deal with it. Here is a little snippet for you to read. ‘Imagination, it is unbelievable that something so huge can fit in our head. Its existence would scare any man of science, it’s unlimited, going against any law of thermodynamics, and yet, even scientists could never live without it. You can’t store it, neither trap it, when it sparks either you make it a reality or it vanishes away. It feels unfair, I would love to grasp and store forever even the tiniest piece of what my imagination creates. When imagination lets you travel with her she expects to be promptly followed and if you don’t, it will run away from you before you could even notice.’

The above entry has been submitted by Abhinav Ghosh from Hooghly, West Benagl. He is a 20-year-old student of Kalyani Govt. Engineering College. Kudos to Alessio for this beautiful piece!

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