Lockdown Diaries Nominee#37 Lockdown Diaries By Adhithya Chandrasekar

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

100 days got over since I touched my bike! Felt both restless and helpless at the same time. Got bored with OTT & Ludo Kings and started questioning god, “Why did you lock us!” And a thought came, “how would have it been if……….” (Daydream continues below)

July 10th, 11:30 am.
The first Victim of COVID 19 is a Smart Phone from India. The patient is taken to the nearby Service Centre and was kept and under observation for more than 2 hours and was charged with a Super-speed charger for 45 minutes. Still, the patient is not showing any progress and is switched off. Now it is going to be shifted from the Service Centre to the Head office.
Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Messenger, WeChat, Snapchat, Tik Tok, Tinder are Red-zoned.

July 10th, 8:00 am.
It was found out later that the owner of the First Patient is a Crowned Celebrity in India, who has featured himself in more than 100 movies and has sung 300+ songs in 5 different languages! All his followers from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook have also been affected later on the same day and their smartphones are off!
160 Tik Tok stars have attempted suicide as they cannot keep themselves away from shooting videos for every half an hour!

July 11th, 8:00 am.
The government of various countries reveal that “People who use Smart Phones should distance themselves from Social Media as overuse of few unwanted applications at unwanted point of time has resulted to this situation”.
The disease is highly contagious if the users contact anyone through their Smart Gadgets.
The Internet is allowed only from morning 6:00 am – 9:00 am for sending emails and calling their blood relations and evening calls can be made from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm to the same. Before, between and after these time intervals “All the Telecom Networks are Switched off Worldwide”.

July 11th, 5:00 pm.
“Tomato” has started business offline from physical places to make it easy & convenient for the Ultimate Foodies to walk into the “Tomato store”, choose their favorite restaurant providing the food they want. The person to pick and deliver the stuff home can also be chosen!

But strictly cash in hand! No E-Payment accepted as the sender and receiver can be at risk. The Top Techies around the globe have promised to resolve the problem soon:
GUIDELINES to be followed to safeguard your Smart Phones:
1. Stay away from home to keep your time flying.
2. Visit temples, shopping malls, parlours, playgrounds, restaurants frequently. 3. Even if home, occupy yourself with your family, watch movies already saved in your computers & don’t forget to purchase Ludo boards as Ludo King will be under “Maintenance”!

ReachIvy.com organized an online blog/vlog competition to provide people the unique opportunity to share their lockdown stories using their creativity. The competition met with a fantastic response from participants across 4 continents, and our jury has handpicked the Top 50 entries from them for the Popular Choice Award 2020!

e above entry has been submitted by Riddhi Srivastava from Lucknow, India. She is a 20-year-old student of the University of Delhi. Kudos to Riddhi for this beautiful piece!

Show your support and help Riddhi win the contest by liking this blog post on all ReachIvy.com’s social media platforms!

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