Lockdown Diaries Nominee#26- Lockdown Diaries: Either of the Two: Lockdown Diaries By Navya Choudhary

I am not sure whether it’s completely true or not but I somewhat in few circumstances believed that there are two sides of a coin, things, people or circumstances can be categorized in either of the two. But now I am questioning my supposed belief. I doubt that life is this easy, people and situations are this easy to be just true or false, black and white, right or wrong. It’s a question that since the moment slapped me has left its mark on my face. It’s something I have pondered upon from a while now. And why am I sharing this? Well, it’s all because of this Lockdown.
When Lockdown was imposed in India, like many I was tense due to various things going not according to my plans. My life was disrupted; regular things suddenly came to a halt. I’m a student primarily and all of a sudden from having no time to eat was having nothing to do at all. It was like a huge, long pause with immense silence has filled my life without me knowing for how long.
I was at home for three days to celebrate a festival and was to return back to Delhi for my studies and exams. So I came home with a small bag consisting of my phone, power bank, a charger, some money and my earphone. This was that one thing I thought I have accomplished, packing in 5 minutes and that also for three days. I was really proud of it which later became something I was most irritated and disappointed about. Whenever I use to criticize this whole situation of mine in lockdown with other problems, my belongings not belonging to me were at top. And everybody literally pitied me because I wasn’t able to function normally. I mean, I am writing this in my phone.
It was a regular day of my second month in lockdown that was I successfully wasting like previous others, then I was at my aangan (yard) and accidentally for once I looked up away, from my phone’s screen and saw something beautiful. That sight of dusk amazed me. For once I was clear amidst this whole chaos, what I am going to do next at that very moment. I rushed towards my room, grabbed my book, and sat in aangan to read. After few peaceful pages, I shut my book and just sat there. It was a beautiful sunset. It was so beautiful that nothing else I was thinking of. That moment was something so strong and effective that my perspective changed. My life changed.
Next thing I was doing was planning my daily routine and laying out another plan, for my studies (without books). After that I studied my preparatory exam’s syllabus whole and it’s on a revision stage, I did two internships where I learned and made friends whom I never even met before, I am almost about to complete my fellowship that I was about to drop, reconnected with my distant friends, planned, compered and executed an e-farewell and now I am admin of three Instagram pages and reading out books from my list.
I am not able to criticize this lockdown anymore and put it in a box of it’s being a bane or a boon for me. It’s something that proved to be a blessing in disguise, giving me multiple opportunities and set backs at the same time. Letting me question whether anything is either of the two
ReachIvy.com organized an online blog/vlog competition to provide people the unique opportunity to share their lockdown stories using their creativity. The competition met with a fantastic response from participants across 4 continents, and our jury has handpicked the Top 50 entries from them for the Popular Choice Award 2020!
The above entry has been submitted by Navya Choudhary from Delhi, India. She is a 22 year old student of Delhi University. Kudos to Navya for this beautiful piece!
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