Lockdown Diaries Nominee#5- In the depths of winter, I found, there lay in me, an invincible summer By Preeti Ojha

We all have heard of the phrase ‘silent killer’. But, it was not until the draconian Coronavirus started spreading its tentacles, did we come to know that ‘invisible killers’ also exist. Of course, a great deal of research has been on into pathogenicity and its manifestations in the form of microbial infections. Microbiologists and epidemiologists spend most part of their lives unraveling the mystery of the human immune system, which gets compromised each time it has a rendezevous with an itsy-bitsy creature. However, if it is a hitchhiker like COVID-19 that you are dealing with, the going doesn’t get tough. It gets insane.
Although I was and am still fortunate enough not to have contracted the infection, it occurs to me, with each passing day, that ‘this too shall pass’ is nothing but a lullaby. Therefore, I have decided to take the bull by its horns. From taking care of my physical, mental, and emotional health, to understanding life at a granular level, I have been hell-bent on battling cabin fever from day 1 of being cooped up indoors.
The moment I saw the silver lining fading, I decided to not let despondency come in my way. I have been keeping myself on my toes 24×7. From learning plenty of five-dollar words to strengthening my professional profile, I am trying to get closer to the point when rubber can meet the road. Although I have become more of a mouse potato than a couch potato, I make it a point not to consume empty calories.
To wrap it up, grit and optimism are the silver bullets in my arsenal.
ReachIvy.com organized an online blog/vlog competition to provide people with the unique opportunity to share their lockdown stories using their creativity. Preeti Ojha from Gujarat is a working professional at EndeavourCareers Pvt. Ltd. and expressively pens down she is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in her own way and how it has changed her perspective on life. Here is a little snippet for you to read. ‘We all have heard of the phrase ‘silent killer’. But, it was not until the draconian Coronavirus started spreading its tentacles, did we come to know that ‘invisible killers’ also exist. Of course, a great deal of research has been on pathogenicity and its manifestations in the form of microbial infections. Microbiologists and epidemiologists spend most part of their lives unraveling the mystery of the human immune system, which gets compromised each time it has a rendezvous with an itsy-bitsy creature.’
The above entry has been submitted by Preeti Ojha from Gujarat, India. She is a working professional at EndeavourCareers Pvt. Ltd. Kudos to Preeti for this beautiful piece!
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