Lockdown Diaries Nominee#16- The Peregrination of the Psyche By Rudransh Kantharia

“The quest for self-discovery is an embodiment of the human spirit. As for those who attain it, unearth their ātman: the inner voice. As for those who disregard it, fail to relish the elixir of tranquility.”
This dire phase of life through which the entire world is suffering was indeed unanticipated. It all appears to be a state of dystopia that is paving the way to sheer human obliteration. Yet, through the saga of enduring these adversities, we are now brought to subsist in a state of unmitigated lockdown since ‘solitude is the baseline for survival’. In these trying times, there begins an expedition to explore the inner self – a juncture to reflect and recollect.
While this occasion can be psychologically stressful, it also facilitates new avenues to explore the spiritual facets of life. Therefore, to make a clean sweep over the current scenario, one must believe that there is no alternative for forbearance and optimism. After contemplating this thought, I embarked on discovering myself in this lockdown period.
Initially, a lingering desire to approach school persisted. Being of a reticent disposition, I seldom indulged in camaraderie among peer groups. My conversation with classmates is often limited – although planning to see myriads of teenagers around keeps me buoyant.
So, while commencing to plunge through the perpetuating nexus of ideologies to obtain the key to my conscience, reading novellas and other human psychology- associated books aided me to attain enlightenment. The acquisition of this knowledge, further made me conceive that it is not mandatory to attain astuteness and wisdom by renouncing all the worldly pleasures. However, meditating regularly would supplement serenity and composure. This will consequently be proved as a stepping stone to achieving the inner voice.
Over time, I grew cognizant about the art of ‘Introspection’. It made me believe that a person is accountable for his own deeds and that we have to reap the harvest of what we have sown. This brings me to my next learning element of ‘Retrospection’. Ethical values of rectitude and integrity often guide the outcomes of being a retrospective person with oneself. It elucidated me the sheer significance of simplicity and to relinquish craftiness. Through the turn of events that prevailed in my life, I obtained edification to the fact that we should perform our duty without envisaging about the results. Furthermore, I realized the notion that life must be worthwhile, and accomplishing the purpose of life should become the Holy Grail. We must abide by humanity and proliferate the ideas of altruism, magnanimity, benevolence, and modesty even in these harrowing times.
As the days elapsed, an enormous amount of household chores intensified on my mother due to the current scenario. She used to be physically enervated. I realized, that while daughters are presumed to help in domestic tasks, sons and husbands are ostensibly not supposed to contribute to it. In my firmest of opinion, I believe that this notion is establishing an erroneous example since ancient times. However, this is the most apt time to manifest it as ‘wrong’. As and when this realization dawned upon me, I assisted my mother in household chores such as cleaning, washing utensils, and cooking.
Now, in the utterly eccentric time that has ensued, I realized that for me, existing probably means attempting to thrive too and that I might have indeed accomplished milestones in my journey to self-realization. Hence, reaching the zenith is not far. In conclusion, I would say that Hope is requisite to confront this virulent disease, and so does motivation. Hence, let us for once, be oblivious to all the hardships and fight this pandemic with the resonance of our soul through a glimmering fervor of nobility.
ReachIvy.com organized an online blog/vlog competition to provide people the unique opportunity to share their lockdown stories using their creativity. The competition met with a fantastic response from participants across 4 continents, and our jury has handpicked the Top 50 entries from them for the Popular Choice Award 2020!
The above entry has been submitted by Rudransh Kantharia from Indore, India. He is a 16-year-old student of CHOITHRAM SCHOOL MANIK BAGH. Kudos to Rudransh for this beautiful piece!
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