How Motivation Drives Success: Key Strategies

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

There have been enough days when we have struggled to get out of bed, let alone start working. As good days and bad days come and go, it is important to remember that they don’t define our future. Rather it is our response that shapes our personalities and success. Nevertheless, on days that we find it difficult to keep going, we often blame it on a lack of motivation. Is motivation the only thing we need to ensure that we have a productive and fulfilling day? That seems like a tall order; there has to be more to it!

After all, motivation is a feeling of being pumped up and excited to work. So if you are sitting down to study your least favorite subject, motivation will be a scarce resource. That doesn’t mean you give up on the subject altogether. You still put in the effort to do your best. Here are a few things to focus on when you are running low on motivation to keep your productive engine going.

1. Training
Training and hard work beat talent. If we are not adept at something, we might want to avoid it. However, training is a tool to improve and build the discipline you need. Think of it as exercising. Put in the workday in and day out, and eventually, you will build the muscle. Similarly, regardless of whether you want to study, push yourself to read just one page. Then move to two and so on. Slowly, you will build a habit of working consistently instead of in short bursts of productivity. Darren Hardy speaks of the power of compounding in his book “The Compound Effect.” He also explains how slow but consistent practice will build long-term habits. The secret is to start early and keep going to make the most of the time you have at hand.

2. Reward
As you sow, so shall you reap. Set deadlines for yourself and predetermine a reward for you when you achieve it. Our minds are hardwired to avoid pain and discomfort. So think of this reward system as a way to condition your brain into thinking that temporary discomfort will result in a prize. This is a relatively short-term strategy when you want to work on something that will be completed soon. This is a form of instant gratification, wherein you want to experience pleasure without delay. By pushing this gratification just a little by setting a reward, you can remove motivation from the equation and get your work done.

3. Plan your finances
As we go through our lives, it is easy to forget what the big picture is. We are all usually working towards one goal or the other: education, financial stability, buying a house, writing a book, etc. So the tasks that you perform every day are usually tied in with these bigger goals. Therefore, keep your eyes on the prize and think of your current mundane task as something that will take you to bigger things. Keep a visual reminder of what you are working towards. This could be a phone wallpaper of your dream school, a daily alert from their bulletin, etc.

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